Monday, October 31, 2011
Menu Plan Monday
This is a pretty unoriginal plan but I haven't done any meal planning in a couple of weeks and I need to start somewhere!
Monday: Italian Sausage and Bean Soup and bread
Tuesday: pancakes or spaghetti (I'm going out with my friend :) )
Wednesday: Curried Chicken and Broccoli
Thursday: Homemade Pizza and chips
Friday: Fish sticks and potatoes of some kind
Saturday: Pasta and bread
Sunday: leftovers
Link up with your menu plan or see what others are planning this week at
Crocheted Trivet
When I started this blog I originally planned to use it to share projects I was working on but over time it has mainly turned into a homeschool blog because I haven't been doing any projects. Recently I have become addicted to Pinterest. I have been pinning lots of things to do and finally decided to make something. I am not that happy with this project but I am going to share it anyway.
I found this trivet. In the original directions, it says to crochet over the plastic rings that hold soda cans together. They really are not round and the first one I made didn't look very good as you can see here:
I spent some time trying to figure out what I could use instead that would be perfectly round and wouldn't cost anything. I finally decided to cut circles from a milk jug.
I'm not sure exactly what I don't like about this. I think that maybe the circles were a little bit too big. It is fine for me to use but it isn't nice enough for a gift. Maybe I would like it better with different colors? Or if I added a fancy edge?
I found this trivet. In the original directions, it says to crochet over the plastic rings that hold soda cans together. They really are not round and the first one I made didn't look very good as you can see here:
I spent some time trying to figure out what I could use instead that would be perfectly round and wouldn't cost anything. I finally decided to cut circles from a milk jug.
I made a pattern from the soda ring on cardboard. |
I traced them onto the milk jug and cut them out. |
One finished ring with the pattern. |
See the difference? The one of the left is with the milk jug circle and the one on the right is the soda ring. |
My finished trivet. |
I'm not sure exactly what I don't like about this. I think that maybe the circles were a little bit too big. It is fine for me to use but it isn't nice enough for a gift. Maybe I would like it better with different colors? Or if I added a fancy edge?
The milk jug rings make nice little frisbees. :)
Slim Down Sunday
I haven't participated in the Slim Down Sunday in a couple of weeks. It just hasn't fit into my schedule. I was going to try to get it done yesterday but I didn't get to it so here I am a day late. :) (better late than never I guess)
Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.
Pounds Lost: 54.6 lbs (down 3.4 lbs from the last time I blogged for Slim Down Sunday)
How is it going this week? I've been really hungry the past few days but I'm drinking extra and hoping it passes. I don't like to be hungry. Other than that it's going fine.
My Plan for the Week Ahead: Just keep doing what I've been doing (which has not included exercise. I stopped exercising when I got sick at the beginning of the month and just haven't been 100% since and I just don't feel like it.)
If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday. You can link up here.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
George Washington Carver:His Life and His Work DVD
Because of a glitch, I ended up getting not only the Lots & Lots of Firetrucks DVD and book but also a DVD of George Washington Carver. It is a 30 minute video on the life of George Washington Carver.
George Washington Carver: His Life and His Works is recommended for grades 4 through adult. Some younger children with a tendency toward nature videos may enjoy watching as well.

disclaimer: I received George Washington Carver:His Life and His Work accidentally and was not obligated to write this review
This interesting video would make a nice addition to your educational video collection. It has beautiful photography and soothing background music. The narrator has a southern accent which I find a bit distracting but does make it more authentic. I personally enjoyed learning about George Washington Carver and found his life to be very inspiring. He was certainly a man of character! It is done in a documentary style and wasn't necessarily what the kids would choose to watch but I think it would be great to have for a variety of different subjects from George Washington Carver himself to slavery, botany, character and more.
On the website you will find a study guide complete with questions and information about the life of George Washington Carver.
From the website:
Born into slavery and reared during the Reconstruction years in the South, George Washington Carver struggled through poor health, poverty and prejudice…to become a great benefactor, not only to his people…but to his country as well. Carver is known in history books as the “peanut man” – for his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton. As one of the world’s foremost experts in agriculture and horticulture, Carver, through his research and teaching at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama practically reinvented land management in the South. He is said to have compiled a list of over 300 uses for and by-products of peanuts such as cosmetics, dyes and paints, plastics, gasoline and nitroglycerin.
But his work as a creative scientist stretches far beyond that endeavor. He marveled at the world around him and his ability to inspire those closely associated with him may well have been one of his greatest lifetime achievements. As a living example of the importance of hard work, a positive attitude and a good education, Carver was instrumental in changing the stereotype of the time that the black race was intellectually inferior to the white race.
Here then, is the story of Carver’s life…a life that should not be forgotten, for it is full of hope, meaning and inspiration. To commemorate his life and inventions, George Washington Carver Recognition Day is celebrated on January 5, the anniversary of Carver's death.
For anyone looking for an inspirational story, for historians, teachers and students, and for young and old alike this DVD featuring stunning photography and a superb original music score is certain to be watched again and again.
George Washington Carver: His Life and His Works is recommended for grades 4 through adult. Some younger children with a tendency toward nature videos may enjoy watching as well.
You can purchase George Washington Carver at Marshall Publications for $16.95 (plus S & H) with a 15% homeschool discount by using coupon code TOSC1 at the checkout. Order online or by calling toll free 888-300-3455 between 10am and 8 pm EST. Marshall Publications offers a variety of videos. Choose from other educational videos, see the website for complete selection or request a catalog.
You can see what other TOS crew members are saying about George Washington Carver on the TOS crew blog. Also, read my review of Lots and Lots of Firetrucks.

disclaimer: I received George Washington Carver:His Life and His Work accidentally and was not obligated to write this review
Lots & Lots of Fire Trucks DVD and Book Review
Lots and Lots of Fire Safety Songs DVD and Fire Truck Book Combo
First the DVD: Lots and Lots of Fire Songs & Safety Tips
The menu allows you to pick and choose segments and songs or you can play them all. Various award winning instructional and musical segments performed by Award-winning music of family musician, James Coffey.
Songs include:
Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks
Call 911
Fireman Jim's Safety Tips
Stop, Drop and Roll
Your Home Safety Plan
It's An Emergency
Heroes Brave and Tall
Great Big Fire Trucks
Fire Trucks in Action
My younger kids (under 12) really like the songs and the videos that go with them. My almost 12 year old knows the words to all of the songs which are included in the book. Some of the video segments seem a bit outdated but the information is still really good. For instance it talks about using a payphone to call 911. I don't even know if there are pay phones anymore. I think the hospital might be the only place I've seen one.
Also, we have a 42 inch TV and some of the videos are a tiny bit fuzzy. I don't notice it much and probably wouldn't have thought anything of it, but it bothers my 11 year old son. (Note that it isn't on the whole video, just some of the segments.)
Here is a video sample:
Next: Lots & Lots of Firetrucks and Firefighters Book
This is a really nice soft cover book with glossy pages. It is great for the whole family from the younger child that just wants to look at the colorful pictures to teens and adults who want to read about firefighting. Our family really enjoys this book.
Meet Meet the Firefighter
A Firefighter's Tools and Equipment
All Kinds of Rescue Vehicles
Fire Fighting Facts
Fire Science Basics
Fire Prevention Week
Safety Tips
Firefighters in Action
Tributes to Firefighters
Old Time Firefighter's Alphabet
Classic Fire House Traditions
History of Fire Trucks 7 Firefighting
Antique Fire Trucks
Greatest Fires in History
Firefighting Time Line
Fire House Museums
Fire Related Websites and more!
Video overview of the book:
When I was growing up, I remember having fire safety assemblies at school. This book/DVD combo is a great way to give homeschooled kids the fire safety information they need in an enjoyable format. I rarely find a product that the older and younger kids both enjoy. This one really fits the bill with the book and DVD combo. (I will admit my 14 and 17 year olds weren't thrilled with the video but my 15 year old liked it. My 14 and 15 year olds are interested in EMS and they both like the book.)
Marshall Publishing & Promotions is offering my readers a discount over the normal price of $49.90 (currently on sale on the website for $29.95). The sale price is $19.95 (plus S&H) by entering Promo Code: TOSF1 at checkout. Order by calling Toll Free at 888-300-3455 between 10 am and 8 pm EST or online at or Visit the website to see this set and other DVDs such as Lots & Lots of Trains, Lots & Lots of Monster Trucks, Lots & Lots of Penguins and all sorts of educational videos. (Book and video can also be purchased separately.)
You can see what others on the crew are saying about Lots and Lots of Fire Safety Songs DVD and Fire Truck Book Combo on the TOS crew blog. Also read my review of George Washington Carver, another Marshall Publications video.

disclaimer: I was given 1 copy of Lots and Lots of Fire Safety Songs DVD and Fire Truck Book Combo in exchange for an honest review.
First the DVD: Lots and Lots of Fire Songs & Safety Tips
The menu allows you to pick and choose segments and songs or you can play them all. Various award winning instructional and musical segments performed by Award-winning music of family musician, James Coffey.
Songs include:
Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks
Call 911
Fireman Jim's Safety Tips
Stop, Drop and Roll
Your Home Safety Plan
It's An Emergency
Heroes Brave and Tall
Great Big Fire Trucks
Fire Trucks in Action
My younger kids (under 12) really like the songs and the videos that go with them. My almost 12 year old knows the words to all of the songs which are included in the book. Some of the video segments seem a bit outdated but the information is still really good. For instance it talks about using a payphone to call 911. I don't even know if there are pay phones anymore. I think the hospital might be the only place I've seen one.
Also, we have a 42 inch TV and some of the videos are a tiny bit fuzzy. I don't notice it much and probably wouldn't have thought anything of it, but it bothers my 11 year old son. (Note that it isn't on the whole video, just some of the segments.)
Here is a video sample:
Next: Lots & Lots of Firetrucks and Firefighters Book
This is a really nice soft cover book with glossy pages. It is great for the whole family from the younger child that just wants to look at the colorful pictures to teens and adults who want to read about firefighting. Our family really enjoys this book.
Ellie (3+ "reading") |
This giant, 128 page full color book is loaded with lots of exciting color photos of fire trucks and firefighters in action, interesting facts, fire science, safety tips, history, recipes, trivia, and just about everything you’d ever want to know about the world of fire fighting.Topics include:
Meet Meet the Firefighter
A Firefighter's Tools and Equipment
All Kinds of Rescue Vehicles
Fire Fighting Facts
Fire Science Basics
Fire Prevention Week
Safety Tips
Firefighters in Action
Tributes to Firefighters
Old Time Firefighter's Alphabet
Classic Fire House Traditions
History of Fire Trucks 7 Firefighting
Antique Fire Trucks
Greatest Fires in History
Firefighting Time Line
Fire House Museums
Fire Related Websites and more!
Video overview of the book:
When I was growing up, I remember having fire safety assemblies at school. This book/DVD combo is a great way to give homeschooled kids the fire safety information they need in an enjoyable format. I rarely find a product that the older and younger kids both enjoy. This one really fits the bill with the book and DVD combo. (I will admit my 14 and 17 year olds weren't thrilled with the video but my 15 year old liked it. My 14 and 15 year olds are interested in EMS and they both like the book.)
Marshall Publishing & Promotions is offering my readers a discount over the normal price of $49.90 (currently on sale on the website for $29.95). The sale price is $19.95 (plus S&H) by entering Promo Code: TOSF1 at checkout. Order by calling Toll Free at 888-300-3455 between 10 am and 8 pm EST or online at or Visit the website to see this set and other DVDs such as Lots & Lots of Trains, Lots & Lots of Monster Trucks, Lots & Lots of Penguins and all sorts of educational videos. (Book and video can also be purchased separately.)
You can see what others on the crew are saying about Lots and Lots of Fire Safety Songs DVD and Fire Truck Book Combo on the TOS crew blog. Also read my review of George Washington Carver, another Marshall Publications video.

disclaimer: I was given 1 copy of Lots and Lots of Fire Safety Songs DVD and Fire Truck Book Combo in exchange for an honest review.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Educating the WholeHearted Child
Educating the WholeHearted Child: A Handbook for the Christian Home Education by Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson was one of the first books on homeschooling that I bought and it helped shaped my homeschooling philosophy. I was very excited to have the opportunity to read and review this newly revised and expanded version and it did not disappoint. If I could only have one book about homeschooling this would be it. I was blessed to have been introduced to it when I started homeschooling and blessed to read this new updated version as well. This is the kind of book you don't read just one time. You will want to keep this book forever. (OK I might have issues with getting rid of books...but really, this one is a keeper.)
Educating the WholeHearted Child covers everything you would want to know about Biblical homeschooling. Click to see the complete Table of Contents. Following the 18 chapters, there is a 3 part resource section: Books for the WholeHearted Family, Books for WholeHearted Learning and Forms for Whole Hearted Learning.
The publisher's description:
You can read the first chapter here. You will note that the margins have quotes (many of them scripture) and space for writing your own notes.
I liked these quotes from the first chapter because they sum up the purpose of this book:
As I mentioned earlier the book is divided into 4 sections.
In Section 1: HOME there is lots of information on why to homeschool from a Biblical perspective along with lots of charts and answers to your questions (or questions others may ask you!) There are 5 chapters:
The Christian Home-Learning to Be at Home with Christ
The Christian Homeschool-Learning at Home to Be with Christ
Home Nurture-Shepherding Your Child's Spirit to Long for God
Home Discipleship-Shaping Your Child's Heart to Live for God
Home Education-Strengthening Your Child's Mind to Learn for God
In Section 2 there are 4 chapters on LEARNING
The WholeHearted Learning Model-Living and Learning Together at Home
The WholeHearted Learning Home-Creating a Home You Can Learn Within
The WholeHearted Learning Child-Understanding Your Child
The WholeHearted Learning Youth-Beyond the WholeHearted Child
In Section 3 there are 5 chapters of different METHODS
Discipleship Studies Methods- The Study of the Bible
Disciplined Studies Methods- The Study of the Basics
Discussion Studies Methods- The Study of Ideas
Discovery Studies Methods- The Study of Learning
Discretionary Studies Methods- The Study of Living
Section 4: LIVING
Family: Keeping the Vision Alive
Structure-Keeping the Homeschooling Together
Order-Keeping the Home Together
Support-Keeping the Spirit Strong
At the end of this section is a 4 page postscript challenge to Keep the Faith in the Family.
Throughout the book there are sections called, In Our Home where the authors share things they have done in their home to give you practical ideas. I absolutely love the Resource section with list of books in categories for you to enjoy with your family and to whet your appetite for another book written by Sarah Clarkson that is on my wishlist (and mentioned below).
Before receiving this new version I wondered how much different the new book would be. There are over 120 NEW pages in this edition. There are a few more pages in the appendix of this book. They are nearly all new (or improved) forms in the last section including a Bible reading plan, devotional pages and even My 24 Family Ways lists covering godly character and Biblical values along with blank calendar pages for monthly and weekly planning.
This book really has it all for the Biblical homeschooler that wants an organized Christian home and offers practical methods to equip you along the way. The only thing I don't like about this book is that it can be overwhelming and I sometimes feel like I definitely do NOT measure up. However, you do not need to be overwhelmed. Just read it in bits and pieces. Skip around to what attracts you. It's not a story book. It truly is a complete handbook for Christian Home Education.
Educating the WholeHearted Child is recommended for ages 4-14 but I think anyone even considering homeschooling should read it (don't wait until your child is 4) and I don't think it would hurt anyone homeschooling a highschooler to read it though admittedly it has less to offer to the older set.
About the authors:
You can purchase Educating the WholeHearted Child for just $22 (I think this is a VERY fair price) at Apologia where you will find many other titles to enjoy including How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids which I reviewed earlier this year and other titles by members of the Clarkson family, (I want to get Read for the Heart soon), Diana Waring (LOVE her!) and more. Apologia also offers science curriculum, an online academy and MUCH more!
Read what others are saying Educating the WholeHearted Child on the TOS crew blog.
P.S. Don't forget to go read that sample chapter!

disclaimer: I was given a free copy of Educating the WholeHearted Child in exchange for an honest review.
Educating the WholeHearted Child covers everything you would want to know about Biblical homeschooling. Click to see the complete Table of Contents. Following the 18 chapters, there is a 3 part resource section: Books for the WholeHearted Family, Books for WholeHearted Learning and Forms for Whole Hearted Learning.
The publisher's description:
God did not forget to include "school" in his biblical design for raising children:home education is a natural expression of all that God intended for parents and their children. Clay and Sally Clarkson's Educating the WholeHearted Child is about rediscovering God's original design for the family. What you'll find in this book is a homeschooling model that makes sense. It's an approach that is based on sound biblical principles of nurture, discipleship, instruction, and learning. Newly revised and significantly expanded, Educating the WholeHearted Child is about much more than homeschooling; it is about life. Effective Christian homeschooling must begin with the sure foundation of a Christian home, and the Clarksons' uncomplicated, common-sense approach to life and learning will provide you with the tools you need to experience God's abundant blessings for your family.Reviewing this book is a bit overwhelming because it covers so much. A few of the things you will find include: Ten Good Biblical Reasons for Homeschooling (with multiple scripture references), 12 Pillars of WholeHearted Learning, How to Build a Home Library, Qualities to Look for in a Good Book, Creating a Home You Can Learn Within, Learning Styles, Discipleship, Living Books, Holidays, Keeping the Home and just so, so much more.
You can read the first chapter here. You will note that the margins have quotes (many of them scripture) and space for writing your own notes.
I liked these quotes from the first chapter because they sum up the purpose of this book:
"You will find some content in this chapter and throughout the book that sounds like a defense of homeschooling, but in reality it is there to provide insight and perspective that you can use to gain confidence as a Christian homeschooling parent that what you are doing is God's will for your family and is a sound biblical choice for building a Christian home." p.22
"We wrote this book to give Christian homeschooling families not just a reasoned justification for their choice for bringing their children home but a truly biblical vision and foundation for it." p.22
As I mentioned earlier the book is divided into 4 sections.
In Section 1: HOME there is lots of information on why to homeschool from a Biblical perspective along with lots of charts and answers to your questions (or questions others may ask you!) There are 5 chapters:
The Christian Home-Learning to Be at Home with Christ
The Christian Homeschool-Learning at Home to Be with Christ
Home Nurture-Shepherding Your Child's Spirit to Long for God
Home Discipleship-Shaping Your Child's Heart to Live for God
Home Education-Strengthening Your Child's Mind to Learn for God
In Section 2 there are 4 chapters on LEARNING
The WholeHearted Learning Model-Living and Learning Together at Home
The WholeHearted Learning Home-Creating a Home You Can Learn Within
The WholeHearted Learning Child-Understanding Your Child
The WholeHearted Learning Youth-Beyond the WholeHearted Child
In Section 3 there are 5 chapters of different METHODS
Discipleship Studies Methods- The Study of the Bible
Disciplined Studies Methods- The Study of the Basics
Discussion Studies Methods- The Study of Ideas
Discovery Studies Methods- The Study of Learning
Discretionary Studies Methods- The Study of Living
Section 4: LIVING
Family: Keeping the Vision Alive
Structure-Keeping the Homeschooling Together
Order-Keeping the Home Together
Support-Keeping the Spirit Strong
At the end of this section is a 4 page postscript challenge to Keep the Faith in the Family.
Throughout the book there are sections called, In Our Home where the authors share things they have done in their home to give you practical ideas. I absolutely love the Resource section with list of books in categories for you to enjoy with your family and to whet your appetite for another book written by Sarah Clarkson that is on my wishlist (and mentioned below).
The old and the new. You can see how much thicker the new one is and how worn my older copy is. |
Before receiving this new version I wondered how much different the new book would be. There are over 120 NEW pages in this edition. There are a few more pages in the appendix of this book. They are nearly all new (or improved) forms in the last section including a Bible reading plan, devotional pages and even My 24 Family Ways lists covering godly character and Biblical values along with blank calendar pages for monthly and weekly planning.
This book really has it all for the Biblical homeschooler that wants an organized Christian home and offers practical methods to equip you along the way. The only thing I don't like about this book is that it can be overwhelming and I sometimes feel like I definitely do NOT measure up. However, you do not need to be overwhelmed. Just read it in bits and pieces. Skip around to what attracts you. It's not a story book. It truly is a complete handbook for Christian Home Education.
Educating the WholeHearted Child is recommended for ages 4-14 but I think anyone even considering homeschooling should read it (don't wait until your child is 4) and I don't think it would hurt anyone homeschooling a highschooler to read it though admittedly it has less to offer to the older set.
About the authors:
Clay and Sally Clarkson found homeschooling to be the natural expression of their desire to disciple their children for Christ. After six years of post-college ministry and missions, they married in 1981 and began homeschooling their first child at the age of four in 1988. In 1994 they started While Heart Ministries to encourage and equip Christian parents to raise wholehearted Christian children. They have written numerous popular books for parents, taught dozens of parenting conferences in North America and ministered internationally. Clay is a graduate of Denver Seminary and Executive Director of Whole Heart Ministries. Clay and Sally are blessed with four wholehearted children-all homeschool graduates who are serving the Lord.
You can purchase Educating the WholeHearted Child for just $22 (I think this is a VERY fair price) at Apologia where you will find many other titles to enjoy including How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids which I reviewed earlier this year and other titles by members of the Clarkson family, (I want to get Read for the Heart soon), Diana Waring (LOVE her!) and more. Apologia also offers science curriculum, an online academy and MUCH more!
Read what others are saying Educating the WholeHearted Child on the TOS crew blog.
P.S. Don't forget to go read that sample chapter!

disclaimer: I was given a free copy of Educating the WholeHearted Child in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Easy Way to Shuck Corn (and a Pinterest test)
I saw this cool video today on how to cook corn in the microwave on a YouTube video. I tried to pin it directly to Pinterest but I couldn't make it work. I wondered if I embedded the video on my blog then maybe I could pin it that here goes. (It worked by the way!)
Menu Plan Monday
I never got around to making a meal plan last week. It makes life so much easier when I do so here goes:
Monday: Country Chicken Pie (from 30 Day Gourmet's Big Book of Freezer Cooking)
Tuesday: Beef Vegetable Soup (crock pot)
Wednesday: Grilled Chicken, mashed potatoes and vegetable
Thursday: Chicken Tetrazzini (From 30 Day Gourmet's Freezer Cooking Manual)
Friday: Fish sticks and potatoes of some kind
Saturday: pasta and bread
Sunday: leftovers
French toast
mini-bagel pizzas (homemade)
Ramen noodles
tuna noodle casserole
macaroni and cheese
grilled cheese
tuna sandwiches
Link up with your menu plan or see what others are planning this week at
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Always Ice Cream
Always Icecream is a website for girls aged 7-12. It has educational games and activities for which the girls earn scoops. The scoops can then be used to buy pets and things in MiniWorld. My 8 year old daughter Emma LOVES Always Icecream! The biggest problem we have is getting her to stop playing. When I asked her about it she said, "I love it! It's awesome!!". Even my almost 12 year old son likes it. He really wishes there was a boy version. (I actually had quite a bit of fun playing with it in order to write this review.)
This is a great overview video of Always Icecream:
There are so many things on this website for kids to do. Subjects covered include geography, history, music, Bible, math, science, language arts, typing and foreign language. There is a section of educational videos they can watch to earn scoops too.
When the girls log on the top of the screen looks like this:
They can choose whether they want to play learning games, read their messages, go to MiniWorld or watch videos. Always Icecream allows two kinds of "friendships". One is for any member that wants to be your daughter's friend. Friend requests can be sent to other girls and all of the messages sent between the girls are monitored. The other is for your daughter's real friends. You have a special code that you can give their friends so they can talk to their friends without moderation. I felt that my 8 year old didn't need to have "online" friends, so we didn't allow her to make friends on Always Icecream. She did, however, invite one of her real friends to join and they messaged each other.
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screen shot of the Learn & Play section |
In the above Learn & Play screenshot, you can see some of the choices of games they can play. Each game marked with an ice cream cone is one they can play to earn scoops. At the top right you can see how many scoops you have. In the lower right there is a music player. The girls can choose what type of music to listen to. (Some of it can be irritating as it plays over and over but you can shut it off. They do have some classical music and I like that.)
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screenshot of US Geography |
The games all have levels. The higher they go the more scoops they earn. If it's too easy they are allowed to skip up and if it becomes too difficult or they want to do it again they can do that too.
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screen shot of the typing program |
One thing in the parent section that I really like is the ability to reward your daughter with up to 2000 scoops per month. There is a pull down menu of ideas for things to reward her for (practicing piano, doing chores, feeding pets etc) or you can customize your own.
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Give your daughter scoops for doing chores or just for being a good daughter ! |
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screenshot of parental controls |
Also, parents can access a progress report in the parent section to see what they are working on and any medals they have earned. They also will e-mail this to you weekly if you wish.
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screenshot of learning progress |
Now on to the "fun". Each girl has their own MiniMe that they can customize as often as they want to (no scoops required).
Girls can buy pets that they have to care for in Pet World. They use their scoops to buy food, or exercise their pets and keep them happy. They can babysit other girl's pets or have other girls do the same for them.
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screenshot of pet world |
This video shows what you can do in MiniWorld:
Members of Always Icecream are able to give their friends a free one month trial using their special code. They even provide a printable certificate that they can give their friends or use as a party favor. Each month there is a scoop contest. The top 10 scoop earners can earn a special item for their MiniMe and get to double their scoops. On the main page there is always a list of the top 50 scoop earners.
Always Icecream is certified by the Privo Privacy Insurance Program and has many safety features that you read more about here. Here are a few quick highlights of the safety features: traceable membership, no ads, monitored communication, parent reports, and monitored media. Be sure to go to the safety page to read more.
We love Always Icecream and recommend it very highly! It's fun, educational and a safe place for young girls on the internet. Click on the pink Try it Free cloud for your free trial.
Disclaimer: I was given 1 lifetime membership (SO GENEROUS) in exchange for an honest review.
We love Always Icecream and recommend it very highly! It's fun, educational and a safe place for young girls on the internet. Click on the pink Try it Free cloud for your free trial.
Always Icecream is available as a subscription or membership. For a subscription, the first month is just $.99 and then $4.99 a month after that. A 2 month membership is $9.98 . A one year membership is $29.99 while a lifetime membership is $99.99. See the membership page for full information.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Visual Latin
Visual Latin is just what it sounds like. Latin taught visually. It is available on DVD or in a downloadable form that can be played on your computer, ipod, iphone or ipad. We chose the DVD but also had the opportunity to try out the downloads as well. None of our children have an ipod touch but my husband does. He hasn't had it very long so it took us a little figuring to get it on there but we did it. If my kids had these I think I'd be more apt to get the downloadable version.
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A few screen shots of the lessons. |
The worksheets and answer keys are included in pdf format on the DVD or in your downloads. I love that because it means I can use it for all of my kids without having to purchase new materials for them or find a place to store them. The DVD comes in a nice slim case which I appreciate since the typical ones take up too much space.
Visual Latin is the joint idea of two dads whose wives homeschool their kids. One is a Latin teacher and the other a producer. They both like Latin and think everyone ought to be able to read it. Dwane Thomas, the teacher, has been teaching Latin for 15 years. He’s taught all sorts of students in all sorts of situations. He and his wife have been homeschooling their five children for as long as their kids can remember. Thomas Purifoy, Jr., the producer, likes to create curriculum. He and his company, Compass Cinema, have already produced the Modern Parables and Seek Social Justice series. His wife homeschools their three girls.
Visual Latin is for ages 9 and up. The only requirement is that they know how to read. My 11, 14 and 15 year olds have been watching the lessons. The older two are doing the lessons and the worksheets. My 11 year old started out doing the worksheets but as they got more difficult I let him stop doing them. I think he is capable of doing them but we'll wait until he's a little older. He does enjoy watching the videos. This is not to say that I disagree with the recommendation of 9 and up. I just think it's OK to wait.
Visual Latin | A Quick Explanation from Compass Cinema on Vimeo.
You can download 4 introductory lessons and the first 2 regular lessons FREE so you can try it out. I recommend you do. A couple of advantages to the downloadable version of Visual Latin is that it is always available for download from the website and you can get it immediately though they do ship quickly if you decide to get the DVD.
We LOVE Visual Latin. Duane Thomas is very funny. Every time the kids are watching lessons they are cracking up and if I'm in the room I am laughing along with them. Each lesson is divided into 3 parts. Students watch a video then do a worksheet for each part of the lesson. The 3 parts are Grammar, Sentences and Reading. In the third part he speaks in Latin (and the words appear on the screen) and the kids understand what he is saying. I am finding that the Latin lessons are helping with English grammar as well.
My 15 year old daughter is not very enthusiastic about school, but she even has posted on her Facebook status that she can't wait to do her Latin lesson (and she was serious!). When I asked her if we should get the next 10 lessons, without hesitating, she said, "Yes!" So we have already purchased the next 10 lessons on DVD and will start them this week.
You can find information about how to use Visual Latin for high school credit and a scope of sequence here.
I highly recommend Visual Latin. You can purchase Visual Latin at the Compass Store. The first 10 lessons are available for $25 as a download or $30 on DVD. You will find other options available and even an online class taught by Duane Thomas. You can read what others on the crew are saying about Visual Latin on the TOS crew blog.
disclaimer: I was given a DVD of the first 10 lessons of Visual Latin and in downloadable form in exchange for an honest review.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Slim Down Sunday
Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.
Pounds Lost: 51.2 lbs (1 lb lost though for some unknown reason I was up a full lb from yesterday. I thought it was going to be 2 lbs)
How is it going this week? I didn't participate in Slim Down Sunday last week. I was sick and I had a wedding to attend that was out of state. This week my grandmother passed away so it's been hectic but I've just been sticking to my 400 calorie meals. I still do not feel good so I have not exercised in over a week.
My Plan for the Week Ahead: Just keep doing what I've been doing and if I feel better I will try to exercise a couple of days this week.
If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday. You can link up here.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Scruble Cube
The Scruble Cube is a fun word game that is cross between a Rubik's cube and Scrabble. The makers refer to it as a word game and puzzle on steroids. As you can see in the picture each side has 4 rows and 4 columns. Each square has a letter with a point value or a special sticker such as 2x letter score or 2x word score. Each letter circle also rotates so you aren't spelling words with the letters upside down or sideways (unless you want to). The game also comes with a timer which you can use if you choose.
Watch this video to see the Scruble Cube in action.
Even if the Scruble Cube was only a fun game it would be worth getting but, it is a great educational tool as well. They have an entire section of their website dedicated to how you can use the Scruble Cube in your homeschool (or classroom). Some seem to be more suited to a classroom but it's worth looking at. There are free downloads with ideas for how to use the Scruble Cube as an educational tool.
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A free worksheet to use with your Scruble Cube. Find it here. Though recommended for grades 3-6, my 14 year old really enjoyed using it. |
Playing Scruble can develop these Academic and Life Skills:
You can find game instructions and a printable score sheet as well.
Scruble is a lot of fun to play and I love how portable it is. It's great for taking along to doctor appointments or other places where you might need a distraction while you wait. It's also fun for one or many. Anyone that can spell 3 letter words can play. (I kind of wish it came in a carrying case.)
The only problem we've had with it, is that you have to have each row lined up perfectly to get it to turn so it really isn't a game of speed. The other "problem" is that I am TERRIBLE at it. My 14 year old loves it and beats me every time.. I don't have a mind for puzzles but, it's fun just the same.
I mentioned earlier that the game comes with a timer that you can use if you wish. It is a 1 and 1/2 minute sand timer. In the rules it says that if all players agree you can turn it over 2 or more times to lengthen turn time. We didn't really use the timer because sometimes it takes a while to create a word (and I find watching a sand timer to be a pain.) If we decided to use a timer in play I think we would set a time limit and use a kitchen timer.
All in all, this is a fun game that would make a great gift for a game lover in your life. It would also be a great addition to your educational game collection.

You can purchase your own Scruble Cube for $24.95 on the Scruble Cube website or at locations found on the bottom of the main Scruble Cube webpage . Read what others are saying about the Scruble Cube on the TOS crew blog.

disclaimer: I received a free Scruble Cube in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Goal Planning Monday
I haven't linked up to Mama Manuscripts Goal Planning Monday in a few weeks. I just didn't get around to it. I need to do it because I get so much more done when I make a list. I'm not sure how much I'll get done because I have a nasty cold and I'm not feeling that great.
-daily devotions
-meal planning for next week
-type up science modules in schedule grid
-make granola
-lesson plans for next week
-pull out fall clothes
-pack away summer clothes
-go through clothes given to us this week
-go through shoes
-write and post Scruble Cube review
-write Visual Latin review
-write Always Ice Cream review
-set up and work on other upcoming reviews
Link up your own goal plans for this week here.
Menu Plan Monday
Monday: Grilled Chicken, potatoes, vegetable
Tuesday: Curried Chicken and Broccoli with rice
Wednesday: Tortellini Minestrone and bread
Thursday: Country Chicken Pie (from 30 Day Gourmet's Big Book of Freezer Cooking)
Friday: Beef Vegetable soup (crockpot)
Saturday: Tacos
Sunday: leftovers
lunches: Ramen noodles, tuna noodle casserole, macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, grilled cheese, tuna sandwiches
Link up with your menu plan or see what others are planning this week at
lunches: Ramen noodles, tuna noodle casserole, macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, grilled cheese, tuna sandwiches
Link up with your menu plan or see what others are planning this week at
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