This interesting video would make a nice addition to your educational video collection. It has beautiful photography and soothing background music. The narrator has a southern accent which I find a bit distracting but does make it more authentic. I personally enjoyed learning about George Washington Carver and found his life to be very inspiring. He was certainly a man of character! It is done in a documentary style and wasn't necessarily what the kids would choose to watch but I think it would be great to have for a variety of different subjects from George Washington Carver himself to slavery, botany, character and more.
On the website you will find a study guide complete with questions and information about the life of George Washington Carver.
From the website:
Born into slavery and reared during the Reconstruction years in the South, George Washington Carver struggled through poor health, poverty and prejudice…to become a great benefactor, not only to his people…but to his country as well. Carver is known in history books as the “peanut man” – for his research into and promotion of alternative crops to cotton. As one of the world’s foremost experts in agriculture and horticulture, Carver, through his research and teaching at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama practically reinvented land management in the South. He is said to have compiled a list of over 300 uses for and by-products of peanuts such as cosmetics, dyes and paints, plastics, gasoline and nitroglycerin.
But his work as a creative scientist stretches far beyond that endeavor. He marveled at the world around him and his ability to inspire those closely associated with him may well have been one of his greatest lifetime achievements. As a living example of the importance of hard work, a positive attitude and a good education, Carver was instrumental in changing the stereotype of the time that the black race was intellectually inferior to the white race.
Here then, is the story of Carver’s life…a life that should not be forgotten, for it is full of hope, meaning and inspiration. To commemorate his life and inventions, George Washington Carver Recognition Day is celebrated on January 5, the anniversary of Carver's death.
For anyone looking for an inspirational story, for historians, teachers and students, and for young and old alike this DVD featuring stunning photography and a superb original music score is certain to be watched again and again.
George Washington Carver: His Life and His Works is recommended for grades 4 through adult. Some younger children with a tendency toward nature videos may enjoy watching as well.
You can purchase George Washington Carver at Marshall Publications for $16.95 (plus S & H) with a 15% homeschool discount by using coupon code TOSC1 at the checkout. Order online or by calling toll free 888-300-3455 between 10am and 8 pm EST. Marshall Publications offers a variety of videos. Choose from other educational videos, see the website for complete selection or request a catalog.
You can see what other TOS crew members are saying about George Washington Carver on the TOS crew blog. Also, read my review of Lots and Lots of Firetrucks.

disclaimer: I received George Washington Carver:His Life and His Work accidentally and was not obligated to write this review
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