Last week we started studying the moon using
Download N Go's
Magnificent Moon. We are 3 days into the study and have already learned so much! I had planned to have it finished by Friday but sometimes life gets in the way of MY plans.
Download N Go unit studies are designed for children in grades K-4. 2 of my children are working on
Magnificent Moon, Emma (2nd grade) and Ryan (5th grade). This unit is easily adapted for older children. Rather than print out this unit for Ryan I gave him a composition notebook and he is writing down what he is learning. I still printed out maps and some of the lapbook components to glue into the notebook.
Magnificent Moon there are 5 days of lessons:
Day 1: What Exactly Is a Moon?
Day 2: Getting to Know the Moon
Day 3: The Story of the Moon
Day 4: Science Secrets of the Moon
Day 5: Cool Things About the Moon
We have enjoyed learning about astronauts, space missions, the solar system and different aspects of the moon. This has been a wonderful time to study the moon. Though we have had cloudy nights with no visible moon we have had daytime sitings and some spectacular views of the full moon this week. As I am writing this, the moon is rising and it is truly magnificent. The kids have been taking turns looking at it out the window. I was very moved by the recording we listened to this week of astronauts reading Genesis as they orbited the moon. I was struck by what an accomplishment it was to put man on the moon. I honestly never thought about it before.
The moon clearly visible in the afternoon. |
I took this picture while writing this review.
It really doesn't do it justice as it looks so large in the sky. |
In this picture you can see how it has an
elliptical appearance. |
Other subjects besides the moon are included in this study. You will find geography, spelling and vocabulary, mathematical concepts, and even art!
Amanda Bennett has filled this study with a great book list that enhanced our study. I would offer one word of caution in this department. As with most "science books" you find in the library it is filled with the notion of "millions of years". The books however, are completely optional and it is easy to skip over those statements or use them as a jumping off point for discussion. We did enjoy many of the moon books we got out of the library and my 15 year old who normally would not watch a documentary sat and watched a very long documentary on the first landing on the moon. Truly a study for everyone!
I have to say I am really glad we are doing this moon study. It really is magnificent and
Magnificent Moon is a study I know that we will return to. You could easily spend much more than a week using this unit but it can be done in a week too! That is one of the things I really love about
Download N Go. It is very flexible.
We have a few activities that I hope to get to early next week and when we do I will add pictures.
Emma and our "Oreo" phases of the moon.
(note: Buy real Oreos..the filling in the Twist and Shout brand sticks) |