Friday, January 27, 2012

Raising Real Men-Book Review

I was recently given the opportunity to read Raising Real Men: Surviving, Teaching and Appreciating Boys by Hal and Melanie Young. This 253 page book for parents was the Christian Small Publishers Association 2011 Book of the Year.

This book is filled with practical, godly advice for raising sons.  As a woman with no brothers, 8 daughters and 2 sons, I definitely feel more equipped to raise girls than boys.  This book is the remedy for that.  (Though I have to admit I'd love to read a similar book for girls.) hint, hint :)

Following the introduction, the book is divided into 2 parts.

Part One: Virtues in the Rough

1. Someone to Look up to
2. Is There Not a Cause?
3. Standing Alone
4. Taking Up Arms
5. Who's in Charge Here?
6. Racing to Win
7. Doing Real Things

 Part Two: Civilization for the Tough

 8. First Things
 9. A Faithful Steward
10. Your Own School For Boys
11. Chivalry is Not Dead
12. KP Isn't Women's Work
13. Love and War
14. Firing the Arrow

I really appreciate the fact that this book addresses issues that pertain to boys and recognizes the fact that boys and girls (men and women) ARE in fact different.  I don't think I realized how different until I had sons myself. :)  Before reading this book, I thought maybe this book would be better suited to fathers to read than mothers but I think it is great for any parent with a son.

In Chapter 8, First Things they share,

"This book is written from a Christian perspective, and we've tried to illustrate as often as possible how we've applied the Bible in our family's day to day lives. It's a principle in our home that we try to bring Scripture to bear in any situation so that our children are saturated in a Biblical worldview.  We discuss it with them, point it out to them, and make sure they know we're looking to God's word."
Isn't that just what we should be doing as Christians?  The Bible is the authority and we need to compare everything we do with with scripture.  This book does exactly that.  I found it encouraging and practical.  I will definitely keep this on hand to re-read and refer to. Read a chapter for yourself here. (It's the chapter I quoted from above.)

 You can purchase Raising Real Men on the website.  The list price is $15.00 but you can see a variety of specials here.  It's also available for the Kindle (my favorite way to read!) as well as Nook, pdf, audio, iPod etc.  (I love technology!)  Visit the Raising Real Men website to see other products available from the Youngs. Late last year I reviewed Christ Centered Christmas (click here to read the review).  Go to the store to see books, webinars, workshops, Hero Tales audio CDs (which I will be reviewing soon) and more.

Thank you Hal and Melanie for writing this book and for giving me the opportunity to read it and write this review!

Authors Hal and Melanie Young are the parents of six sons and two daughters.  They frequently speak on parenting, education and family policy issues, and their articles have appeared in publications in the US, Canada and New Zealand including Homeschooling Today, Homeschool Digest, The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, School Reform News and Conservative Citizen.

disclaimer: I received a free copy of Raising Real Men in exchange for an honest review.

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