Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Coming Full Circle: Why I Left Trim Healthy Mama to go back to Weight Watchers

Earlier this year I wrote this post about why I was leaving Weight Watchers. I still agree with most of what I wrote in that post HOWEVER, here I am again.  I know that counting points works and nothing else I have tried this year worked.  The only weight I lost this year was when I combined counting points with Trim Healthy Mama.  When I tried to just follow the plan, I didn't lose. As a matter of fact, I even gained when I first started.

 photo LeavingTHM_zpsd241b881.jpg

I faithfully tried Trim Healthy Mama for over 30 weeks.  I was a moderator for the Facebook page and worked with the other moderators to help others in their weight loss journey as well.  I posted my meal plans and recipes here. I really convinced myself that this was THE way to eat. I thought it was the healthiest way, but I ended up food obsessed and afraid to eat certain foods or eat foods in certain combinations.   Even though I lost had over 85 lbs eating crossovers (prior to coming to THM), crossover meals are not considered weight loss friendly.  (Crossover meals are those that include fats and carbohydrates.) I did have that in the back of my mind, but I still thought this was the healthy way to eat and having reached a plateau earlier this year I was desperate to continue losing weight.

After gaining a few pounds and trying the plan for about 8 weeks, I decided to combine Trim Healthy Mama with counting points and I was able to lose some weight.  I reached my mini-goal of losing 100 lbs and went on to lose a bit more.  After a couple of months, I decided to try a fuel cycle and drop point counting.  I pretty much stopped losing after that.

After not losing, it was suggested that I might lose weight if I started eating 3 full days of FPs a week (FPs are meals that are low in both carbs and fats). Unfortunately, this didn't work for me either.  At that point I started looking into other things from Paleo/Primal eating to really low-carb.  This led me to try an Atkins induction (SO HARD) and got back down to my lowest weight, but as soon as I stopped the induction (and I don't mean pigging out...just normal eating) the weight came right back with a little extra and that is where I am now...ready to leave THM and low-carb diets behind. (I stepped down from being a THM moderator in late September, so really I moved on from it several weeks ago and now I'm leaving the low-carb lifestyle behind as well.)

The bottom line is that Trim Healthy Mama just did not work for me and turned me into a crazed, panicked dieter. I want a more balanced diet...no extremes, no food fear, no obsessing.

I also want to include a bit of a confession and the reason why I think Weight Watchers stopped working for me and why THM appealed to me so much.  The reason?  Gluttony.  One reason I originally switched from calorie counting to Weight Watchers was that fruits and vegetables are 0 Points Plus.  In my mind, this meant "free".  Weight Watchers does not really teach this, but it worked for me in the beginning so I just ate as much fruit as I wanted to.  Eventually however, I was eating too much fruit.  I knew it, but I wasn't willing to change it and keep doing the program.  THM made it seem as though you could eat as much as you want as long as you don't mix fuels.  This really is NOT true.

I still remember how upset I felt when I was told that I needed to cut back from eating so much heavy S.  (Heavy S meals are those that are high in fat.)  I was told to eat less nuts and cheese and that the cheeseburger pie was something to be eaten infrequently.  Some of the recipes were created by Serene for when she was nursing but the book never tells you this.  Many of the recipes have no serving sizes and none have nutritional information.  On page 434, in reference to a fuel cycle it says, "You can enjoy our homemade Skinny Chocolate in liberal quantities since it is made from coconut oil." My definition of liberal is a large amount...much larger than what the authors would consider liberal.    I didn't get to be morbidly obese by eating small portions. I need portion control. Weight Watchers gives this to me, THM did not.  I am now at a point (having done lots of low-carbing) that  I am willing to limit fruit and not overeat it just because I don't have to count it.

I could list other examples but I think you get the idea and I didn't set out to bash THM.  It works for some people and I truly believe that Pearl and Serene want to help women lose weight. Please note, this is the reason why I, Karen @ The Fruit of Her Hands is no longer following the THM lifestyle.  If it works for you, then please, by all means continue.  My advice about weight loss has always been to find something that works for you and then DO it! (see my tips for losing weight {scroll down}...I should have followed my own advice.)

This struggle I have with my weight has been and will continue to be a life long journey.  I have no idea where it will take me but I look forward to seeing how things will go following the Weight Watchers plan again.  At this point, I am not going back to meetings (though I do miss my friends there).  I may or may not go back at some point.  I plan to keep sharing my journey here so stay tuned.


  1. I am so proud of you - and blessed to call you friend. :-) Thanks for walking this path with me.

  2. The blog post I have been composing in my head reads exactly like this one. I mean to the letter! The book left a lot to be desired for me, a person that needs to know what a portion is. I also found that a good amount of the people who were losing were postpartum, and that is great for them, but not for me. I gave it my all for months. I would have never tolerated any other program where I gained weight in the first month (to the tune of 8 pounds) and then failed to lose it in the following 6 months. I was also turning into a lunatic and was driving my family crazy with "food fear"
    Bless you, Karen!

  3. This is interesting, as I have not had great success with the plan either.

    I tried WW, but could not stay on that because I eventually discovered sugar was my problem.

    Over eight years ago, I gave up sugar and lost weight on the Kay Sheppard food plan. I found it too restrictive, and gained some weight back, but keep remembering that that is the only thing that worked for me. I lost 90 pounds. I have also found help through Overeaters Anonymous.

    I also tell my weight loss story on my blog. I hope you'll stop by some time and visit. I'm not selling anything, I promise. I tell my story under the label weight loss.

    Gail at Gail-Friends

  4. You made me smile! It's all about being healthy, in the end. I'm glad I have someone like you who can share in these ups and downs with me!

  5. You have said it well! So many of the points as to why THM does not work for you is why THM does not work for me also...thanks for sharing your heart! My problem is that I love the support that I have found with the Facebook groups and more than once I have left them only to go back again. I have not found that kind of support anywhere else...

  6. Wow. This could totally explain me, too. I don't have a problem with portion control, but THM has not been over successful for me. I was happy I could enjoy healthy fats and cheese again, but when it wasn't working and I posted my meals I was told that I had to limit my intake of cheese and nuts and baked goodies and desserts. Well, then it was just like any other "diet" where I had to eat lettuce and protein at every meal. I'm still following THM because I spent so much money on funky ingredients that I need to use up, and I feel it's better for my kids, however, I still haven't lost any weight. Just not sure where to go from here. Thanks for writing this. I couldn't share my disappointments or frustrations on the facebook page because, as a moderator put it, I was being too negative. So, I had to deal with the disappointment and misery in silence. Thanks for giving me a voice!

  7. I've been going to back to my ww ways too. The only thing I'm changing are trying to not eat the processed stuff. THM seems to work for many but I'm missing something or it just isn't working for me. I've gained. With ww I lost 33 lbs. So I'm back to writing everything down & counting points. -Not going back to the meetings but going to try on my own.

  8. I'm going back to ww ways too. However I'm going to try to do it without all the processed junk. THM is not working for me either. I see really good results in a lot of women, but I'm not one of them. I had lost 33 lbs. on ww and have gained some of it back. I like the idea of THM and will probably still use some of the recipes but will be back to writing it all down & counting points. Not going back to the meetings but I will try it on my own.-To tell you the truth I'm sorry it didn't work for you but I thought I was the only one and wondered what was wrong with me. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you for posting this. All I've ever had success with is WW. Like you I suffer from portion control. I posted in THM on fb last week asking if anyone had done the two together & you were the only one who kindly answered me. After seeing you leave THM & now Stacy it reiterates the reservations I've had this whole time. It was making me crazy obsessed & I gained weight, never lost. So now I'll give myself to WW again in hopes of losing this weight.

  10. I followed a link here from Stacy's blog to see what you have to say about THM. I've been on it since Aug. 20 and have lost weight like I never could before. But now you and Stacy are making me think more about it. THM does work for me, BUT does that mean it's the right way? That's what I've got to decide.

    This Saturday I have been asked to share the THM diet with my Bible study group because many women want to know about it. I am really on the fence now. I don't want to mislead anyone. You girls are right. There are a lot of rules. I didn't have a problem with following the rules, but I know I have friends who won't stick to it if there are a lot of rules. Right now... I'm not sure what I'm going to do. :/

  11. Liz, I don't think you need to feel reservations about sharing the THM diet with your Bible study. It works for you. It works for hundreds of women. It's not for everyone. The thing about this program and all others is there is personal choice involved. I made the choice to do all S meals. It was easy, delicious, I lost weight. I also dropped my blood sugar to dangerously low levels. Shaking, fainting--not good. Is this THMs fault? Nope. I made that choice--it wasn't even a recommendation of theirs. You don't have to buy Glucomannan or Dreamfields or anything weird to follow the program. They are just tools. Can you eat all cross-overs and still lose weight, yep! It's just a tool. Useful to many, but not to all.

  12. I don't lose eating high fats and unlimited amounts. I lose better mixing beans and rice. I lose better eating crossovers. I was obsessed and guilt filled. I left THM for WW and do extremely well when I count and log. I lose more eating real foods vs. processed food. So I do my best to choose healthier options. And I feel no guilt when I put some butter on bread.

  13. I appreciate what I've learned through THM. The weight loss was really slow for me until I found cellular cleansing. I've lost 30 lbs. since August. My body fat percentage has dropped 6 points! Yay! I don't like counting calories so I combine THM with cellular cleansing. The results are fantastic (would be better if my exercise was consistent.) The best part (other than the weight) is I have no more aches and pains and my energy is through the roof! No more afternoon slumps :) Everyone is different - you just need to find what works for you.

  14. I can understand leaving THM - nothing works for everyone, but Weight Watchers? That is a horrible eating program. I'd encourage you to reconsider.

  15. Hi I am currently doing THM and really enjoying it but I wanted to share some tid bits of my journey that might be of help to you. I too have done WW. I began my weightloss journey 15 years ago with the Weigh Down Workshop. Upon discovering that the WDW is a cult and denied the doctrines of the Holy Spirit. I left the program and joined WW but one thing I loved about WDW was that I knew my food issues could not be controlled without God being the center and that it was a heart issue for me. I recognized that food was a false idol for me and I could not use WW or any program to become a baindaid to the real heart issue. Well once in WW it's hard not to just to want the weight to come off and forget all God stuff. I became obsessed with point counting and feeling like a failure if I went over. Again I was a slave to a system and my heart rebelled and I would indulge defiantly. LONG STORY short :) I found Thin Within a christian weight loss program with very solid doctrine and full of so much GRACE and healing. You have to look into this!!! I then found THM and loved that Serene and Pearl are Christians and brought to life for me some of the science of things as I love Dr. Oz and the idea of eating better whole foods and exercise. I liked their science behind things but I so wish they would read Thin Within too. I think they would just LOVE it! I love THM but I also love that I can curl up with my Thin Within and Bible and feel so connected to the vine and not in bondage to any food laws. I am thankful that I can combine the two programs and allow God to be my guide and ultimately it is HE who will help me to lay down my former ways and rest in his mercy and grace. Thin within has given me such HOPE and grace...I can't say enough about the book and workbook study. I really love THM but I have slowly started to feel myself become slightly obsessive because that is just how I am wired. I have to have the WORD of God because otherwise it's just man made rules and I think Pearl and Serene would totally agree. I am thankful for these opinions on THM that have been voiced because it reminds me once again how important it is for me remember how much success with out getting to the root (idolatry) is not going to change me for good. I will continue to combine THM with Thinwithin and it's what is working for me. Take what you have learned from THM and combine it with WW core if that would help and Thin Within. email me at leajtaylor@gmail.com if you have more questions. :)

  16. settingcaptivesfree.com/the lords has helped many people lose weight and keep it off.

    1. I love SCF :) the Lord's table was revolutionary for me!

  17. Thank you for sharing this.... I just started THM and even when I find it disheartening when it didn't work for you it is a great thing to know what to be "cautious about" ... I NEED RESTRICTIONS... I find freedom in "counting calories" ... I find freedom in limits and boundaries because... left on my own... and eating 'till I am satisfied... and being told to eat stuff "liberally" makes me feel SO SCARED AND TRAPPED ... instead of FREE in the space that has been clearly delimited by "don't eat more than this or that" ... I've found in fact many things to be contradictory in the plan... like... "eat liberally just don't mix fuels" and then... they say "Go to bed early because you're going to want to eat if you stay up to late" or "I just got a mint to avoid the thought of eating and to get satisfied with the minty flavor" MINTY FLAVOR? Satisfying? I think this book was not written for compulsive eaters and/or over-eaters... I am both... I am a compulsive OVER-EATER... And I do need to be told "you can't eat the whole fooled ya' pizza in one sitting, you can only eat one slice" but they say they don't want to "set limits" because our bodies should "tell us" ... My body only says "more, please!" "Thank you! I'll have that too!" I gained weight the first week of THM and I am feeling like I went overboard with my eating... they tell you not to count calories and later they say "yeah... you don't want to add more calories to your meal" ... so... I am trying to mix THM AND calorie counting... I am excited to be eating healthier in the sense of "more organic stuff, adding items like chia seeds and focusing on filling up with veggies... plus cooking with coconut oil" but for weight loss purposes I am nervous, confused and cautious... I SURE WANT TO BE A BELIEVER! I could eat "liberally" all my life... but liberally doesn't seem too liberal when the scale keeps going up and you find out that you probably shouldn't have been eating "too much" but nobody will be willing to tell you "when we say liberal we mean 1 chicken thigh not the whole chicken!" LOL! So... I will be following you... and I sure hope you get to where you want to go... I'll be praying for you and I hope you can pray for me as well as I try to find my own way to lose weight ... I felt like I had already found it by counting calories and eating as healthy as possible plus running everyday... I lost 50 pounds in 5 months but the problem is that my thyroid issues made me gain 20 back and I am sooo desperate to stop the scale from going back up again!!! I hope I don't end up regretting I ever started THM. :)

  18. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for this candid post. I have been toying with the idea of doing THM, and I've been doing WW since last July with little success (my own fault not WW- I lack portion control like you). Anyway, I had been reading so many conflicting things about THM, and I do NOT need something confusing. THANK YOU for posting this! I have decided I don't need something more confusing, or harder to stick to, I just need to COMMIT to something easy and do it! I lost 11 pounds the first 3 weeks of this year because I was actually counting ALL my points and staying within my daily target. I just need to go back to meetings and really stick to my points. Thank you again, I was almost about to buy THM and kept waiting, not ready for some reason. There was a reason. It's not for me. I have a goal to make WW Lifetime Member, and I'm going to do it this time ON PLAN!

  19. Ugh, I posted as my husband. (Sorry babe!) My name is Amy. I don't know how to get his name off of there, but it's me, not him!

  20. I lost 30 pounds on WW. I incorporate my organic food into it. I use truvia and stevia instead of artificial sweeteners. Anyway, I got THM from a friend, read the book, bought the stuff and did it for a week and it didn't take long to see it was going to be difficult to cook for me and the family. Plus I figured seperating foods out would not work for me for the rest of my life?! I decided to do WW again on my own though I will use some of the recipes from THM. I love the mudslide muffin in a mug. I was actually off from doing anything for a few months. I have gained back about 7 pounds eating what I want when I want. The points really help and knowing I can have a treat makes a HUGE difference. We should start our own Facebook support page...lol

  21. I lost 30 pounds on WW. I incorporate my organic food into it. I use truvia and stevia instead of artificial sweeteners. Anyway, I got THM from a friend, read the book, bought the stuff and did it for a week and it didn't take long to see it was going to be difficult to cook for me and the family. Plus I figured seperating foods out would not work for me for the rest of my life?! I decided to do WW again on my own though I will use some of the recipes from THM. I love the mudslide muffin in a mug. I was actually off from doing anything for a few months. I have gained back about 7 pounds eating what I want when I want. The points really help and knowing I can have a treat makes a HUGE difference. We should start our own Facebook support page...lol

  22. Thank you so much for posting this and being honest. I am reading through THM and as a Holistic Health Coach I have several problems with it. I thought I was crazy because so many of my friends love it and I see a lot of legalism and food bondage in it. Thank you!!!

  23. It is really wild how different we all are! One reason I love THM is because I just have NEVER been able to stick to a diet - I am not a legalist or rule-follower by nature. (I do love Thin Within as mentioned by a poster above - had the same experience w/ first going through Weigh Down and then finding Thin Within - much better theology.)
    WW drove me nuts. I obsessed about food all the time, counting points. I also, truthfully, do not do self-denial well. I begin lusting after everything I "cannot" have. Though I found much freedom in Thin Within, I also had moved toward a Nourishing Traditions and Eat Fat, Lose Fat eating philosophy. Trim Healthy Mama marries these two ideas for me.
    I don't count calories and hardly count fat or carbs (just did at the beginning a bit to figure out what made each meal an S, E, or Crossover). I love that I can eat dessert every day! I don't worry about portions but eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.
    On THM, I get hungry lots more often, but I am also full quicker. I can eat a couple THM cookies instead of a whole box of Oreos. Although some of my issues were/are gluttony, somehow eating the rich, nourishing food feeds the true needs of my body and it is easier for me to see what is emotional eating v. what is true need for food.
    Anyway, I am glad you posted this and that you found what works for you! It is really interesting that different things enslave and tempt each of us in different ways.

  24. Thank you for this! I am on WE now after THM. I am thrilled with this after a long journey. Blessings, Susan

  25. Hello! I found your blog after googling "THM calorie counters."

    You said, "My definition of liberal is a large amount...much larger than what the authors would consider liberal."

    YES! You're the first person I've come across to share the nagging thought in my head that the THM authors don't speak to those of us with serious gluttony issues.

    I love their hearts, and I love that so many women are being helped, but ... well, those S meals can get out of hand real quick if you're gluttonous. So calorie counting it is for me.

    Anyway... just wanted to say I love your wisdom and the things we have in common. I've got my eye on your blog!


  26. The Dr mcDougall Starch solution and or his maximum weight loss plan have changed my life forever! I will never go back.

  27. To be honest, there is no research to support THM. Nothing. And when I looked at the recipes and the use of all the unusual ingredients, I just knew it wasn't the right plan for me. I have a health condition that means I have to limit the number of carbohydrates I eat at one meal. I can't see doing the energizing meals and that working for my health. That being said, Weight Watchers, as it is, doesn't work for me either. I don't do well with a plan where you can eat anything as long as you count the points. I did well with Weight Watchers when they had menus for you to go by and exchange lists. When the program changed, it no longer worked for me. The last time I went for eight weeks and gained four pounds. I was logging every food I ate, I had bought all the materials, counted every point, I wasn't even using up my exercise points or anything, just sticking to the food points level. The last week I was there, the leader suggested cutting my points in half. I said, "This is the number of points you told me to eat. Now you're telling me half that amount. Is that right?" And she said yes. I came back the next week and had only maintained. That was it for me. Right now, I'm logging all my food intake and exercise into myfitnesspal and that is proving successful. I've lost 27 pound and 6.5 inches in less than 2 months. I'm keeping track of everything, including my exercise and all that. I have 20 years worth of weight watchers materials before points, so I'm using that and stuff from the atkins facebook groups to help me. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible with most of my carbs coming from fruits and veggies. I switched to pretty much sugar free, white flour free, and am trying to get away from processed food. I haven't had a soda or fast food in months. Not to brag on me - I'm doing a lot of praying and asking God to help me. That's what's working. Prayer and keeping positive, uplifting scriptures going in my mind.

  28. I, too, jumped on the THM bandwagon a few months ago. In the back of my mind all this time, since the first few days when I read the book, has been the question of credentials. Their claims sound convincing and they discuss enzymes, nutrients, and metabolisms as if they both held Ph.D's in biochemistry. But do they? Anyway, as I sit here with my digestive system all twisted into knots from what I know is too much sugar alcohol consumption (today I've had GGMS, the shrinker, a no-bake cookie, and Briana's ice cream, all sweetened with Super Sweet Blend sold by THM), I realize that this is insanity. I can't live this way anymore. I almost need to relearn how to eat properly.

  29. Hi , I just ordered the THM book in order to come up with some new main course recipes, not desserts. I had tried WW for many years and was particularly successful getting my pregnancy weight off both times (45pounds.)But all of a sudden it seemed WW no longer worked for me.I found myself able to stay on it for maybe 4 days and then I'd spin out of control. This happened over and over.I tried many different programs. WDW, LA weight loss, Cambridge, Scarsdale, jenny Craig,Atkins...you get the picture, I could mortgage a house with the $$$ I spent on those programs. Well, long story short, I met my husbands college roommate who was in a food addiction program.He also coincidentally was in AA. to make a long story shorter, I resisted the notion I was addicted to sugar and flour...but after a decade or so I said "uncle"! I realized that the sugar and flour allowed in the WW program was a culprit that had me failing time and time again.I tried OA but there were no sponsors, no specific food program , no following literature.no accountability,and further on down the line a found a group called CEA HOW. It is a 12step program.It is free. You can call for meetings on your phone(3 meetings a week are suggested.)if there are no meetings near where you live.It stands for compulsive eaters anonymous honest open willing. Food is weighed and measured,called or texted into a sponsor daily. Literature is read and inventories are performed based on the idea that food addiction is a spiritual, mental and physical disease, just like alcoholism , drug addiction,sex addition, spending addiction,etc etc. You come to the place of saying "I can't, He can . I'll ask Him" Surrendering to God that my way isn't working and putting Him first. I had great success.Now looking for variety in recipes. Not sure that THM will be compatible with what works for debut if it doesn't have flour or sugar, my cravings will stop. In CEAHOW , I have a teaspoon of fat with every meal and 2 TBS of dressing high fat on a salad night. If you google CEA HOW they will give you the food plan. There are men in my meetings that have lost over 200 pounds on this.Some women too , around 150 ponds. I only needed 40 pounds off, and some others only 30 ,but I feel like a new woman.I need to get on my knees daily and surrender to God, that I'm not God and to ask for the willingness to live the way he wants. Making amends to those I have hurt, doing service work, reaching out to others ,Many of these food programs are lacking the spiritual element to them.anyway, I saw this blog and just thought I would share my journey, hope I can plant some seeds of what has worked for me . This program is worldwide.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I did this over 20 years ago and had no white fkorcor sugar for two years. At that time it was O A HOW and we used the "gray sheet". I liked it and lost alotcif weight but it felt like I had to work so hard to stay on program and at the time if you had a slip you could not share at a meeting... Being a people pleaser was part of my motivation for staying " abstinant". I remember some nice things though... Like having all of this space in my head to LIVE and not always be thinking about how fat I am! It's a very self centered way of living when you wake up every day feeling x amount if pounds heavier then you need to be. I came to THM as a last stop at the last house on the road. I can see though after just a few weeks I am going ng to have to pay attention to portion sizes! I simply love the moonshine and fuel pull drinks. For the first time I am free ng hydrated! The only way for me to lose is to move...be patient as my body heals (thyroid / adrenal ) issues...but I am going to lay a template over the program...looking at the OA Link you mentioned....to get REFRESHED with my portions....and truely glutony is an issue.... Did I really NEED seconds tonight....no!!!

  30. Thank you so much for your post! I started THM about a year ago, did it for a few months, and then life got crazy and it became too much to keep up with so I stopped for a few months. Then I tried to get back on track but found myself feeling so overwhelmed by how much stuff was not on plan, and it was just becoming too much to adapt things to be on plan. About a month ago I think was my breaking point. I had been consistently disappointed with THM baked goodies, but for some reason I kept trying. One day I just decided I wanted some real brownies. And I totally over-indulged, and have had trouble getting back on track ever since. I keep hearing people talk about "food freedom" but it feels so opposite of that, and when I think about getting back on track I just think I can't handle all those rules! I am currently planning on going back to WW because that is where I had the most success and it seemed like the most sustainable program for me. I'm also about to start reading Thin Within, like a couple people mentioned, and I am so excited for a grace centered approach to weight loss! Anyway, thanks for your encouraging and honest blog!

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  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Thank you so much for this post! I ordered the THM book and cookbook and have been reading though it. It's very complicated to even read! It has become clearer to me, on my third time reading it, that this plan will not work for me and my family.

    Eating disorders run wildly in my family and I can tell just by reading their books that I will develop a list of fear foods. Having a daughter who struggled with anorexia for many years, and is now fully recovered THANK GOD, I am very familiar with someone struggling with fear foods. Her fear foods started out with pizza and ice cream and turned into broccoli and sometimes even water. We almost lost my precious girl!

    I believe that foods is to be consumed with everything in moderation. A potato won't kill you or even make you fat! You can eat a potato and still loose weight!!

    Again, thank you so much for this post. I'm sending the books back to Amazon! :)

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. I understand the compulsions that it can create for sure. What has helped me a great deal is Briana Thomas' cookbook. I don't know, I guess the way she labels recipes as Healthy Fats, Healthy Carbs, Low Carb & Low Fat, etc. and especially "Healthy Carbs & Healthy Fats".

    It's forgiving and the language is more normalized for my psychological tastes. (no pun intended) Not to mention the recipes are delicious as well as once again, normal.

    I have discovered or should I say, admitted that although I haven't had sugar now for quite some time, I'm still using dessert as a comfort and God replacement. One day at a time, with lots of grace.

    God bless your WW journey. That is how my daughter started out before THM and when she isn't able to do that, she defaults to the principles of WW.

  36. I have a question. Did you find yourself losing weight "quicker" when combing THM and weight watchers or was it about the same rate as just doing ww alone? Thanks

    1. I didn't lose any at all when following THM alone. In fact I gained a little. I only lost when I counted points while on THM.

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  38. I agree, lost 70 lbs 7 years ago, and life has been hard, now need to go back, I just signed back up to go to meeting at WW again, its what works for me too, the switching and not eating for 3 hours in between was just way too extreme for me, and I tend to overdue it on the S meals and desserts, this is just more balanced you do what works for your brain, everyone is so different, and WW nothing really is a no, but I will incorporate the E ideas since they are low calorie and I don't agree with the packaged WW foods, I think they don't help people the ingredience list is not real food, you can work it the way you need
