Monday, August 1, 2011

Goal Planning-Week of July 31, 2011

Having a list of goals for the week really helped me a lot so I am linking up to Mama Manuscripts again this week.

Last week I planned to:

Meal Planning for the week 
Finish prep for VBS crafts.
Finish reading book and start writing review.
Mail card.
Stick to my "diet".
Blog at least 3 times.
Finish ordering the remaining curriculum I need.
Clean out the freezer, take inventory and make a list of meals.
Start making prayer cards.

I completed everything on my list! 

We have VBS this week.  I am one of the directors and I don't expect to have a lot of extra time for projects.

Meal Planning (done)

Re-read How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids and write review. (This book is currently MISSING..please pray that I can find it!) This book has been found.  Thank you for your prayers!

Blog at least 3 times.

School Planning 

Continue Working on Prayer Cards

Clean out at least one drawer or cupboard in the kitchen.

Link up to Mama Manuscripts  Goal Planning Monday and let me know if you so so I can see what you are up to also!


  1. I hope you are able to find the book that you need to review. It is so hard when review material goes missing. I've been there!

    I need to get blogging more regularly, too. I think that will have to wait until after our international student leaves, though.

    Have a great week and thanks for linking up!

  2. Stopping by from GPM to comment since that is one of my goals :-)

    So glad you found you book. I am still reading my How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids book for the first time. I have a goal to blog more also and also to meal plan. It is so great that you accomplished all your goals last week. Great Job. I hope you have a blessed time at VBS and that everything runs smoothly. I pray the children are challenged in the Word of God and that you can reach out to new people in the community. God Bless.

  3. Thank you so much for your encouraging posts and for dropping by. :)
