Sunday, July 31, 2011

Slim Down Sunday

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.

Pounds: Lost: 41.4 total (1.4 this week!)

How is it going this week?  I had a good week.  No real problems.  It was an encouragement to see the scale move this week.  Last week I was discouraged and feeling like it wasn't going to move again.

My plan for the week ahead:  Just keep doing what I've been doing.  This is going to be a busy week so I'm not even going to think about exercising.

Join Slim Down Sunday and link up here.


  1. Sometimes the busyness is exercise. A good cleaning of the house, for example, burns calories. Or chasing kids during their activities. Congrats on the drop - that's great!


  2. Great job on the weight loss! I agree with April, busyness can definitely be exercise!

  3. Hi Karen,

    Good job! I think sometimes the hardest part is just to keep on doing what you're doing. I know that is when I trip up at times.

    All the best for this next week.

