Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids

I'm not sure that I ever shared that I am an official member of the TOS Homeschool crew and will be reviewing products all year long.  I am so excited.  The first item I am reviewing is How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids by Rachael Carman.  It is a beautiful hardcover book that is the perfect size for carrying anywhere.  I was so surprised by how adorable this book is...but, since we can't judge a book by its cover let's take a peek inside.


This book for moms is divided into an introduction, 5 chapters (one for each letter in H.E.A.R.T.) and an epilogue as follows:

Introduction: The Heart of the Matter

                        Chapter 1:   H — Have a Heart for the Things of God
    Chapter 2:   E — Enrich Your Marriage
Chapter 3:   A — Accept Your Kids
     Chapter 4:   R — Release Them to God
      Chapter 5:   T — Teach Them the Truth

Epilogue: Heartfelt Encouragement

The chapters are easy to read yet thought provoking.  It begins with the author's journey into homeschooling then she shares ways for moms to really have a heart for our children by first strengthening our walk with the Lord and then allowing Him to use us to equip our children for His purpose.  Each chapter ends with a HEART CHECK UP which is a list of questions meant for self examination.  The questions help to make the chapters personal and practical.

Here is a brief look into each chapter:

In the introduction, the author shares her journey into being a homeschool mom.  She didn't jump in head first with a great desire to homeschool.  She started out of necessity and the Lord slowly changed her heart.  On page 24 she says, "When we first started homeschooling in the fall of 1996, I did not have a heart for my children.  Although I loved my children, I was ready to get my life back.  I was done with the motherhood gig, ready to get back to me."

Chapter 1 is about having a heart for the things of God.  Before we can have heart for our children we need to prepare ourselves and our hearts to parent our children through our own pursuit of God for His glory and by His grace. (p.32)

In Chapter 2 you find simple ideas for enriching your marriage and reasons why this is so vital.

Chapter 3 may have been the most convicting for me.  Accept your Child  - Sometimes I spend too much time trying to "fix" my children.  In this chapter, she explains the difference between accepting your child and supporting them and also tells you what acceptance is not

Chapter 4 was also very timely for me as my oldest daughter turned 18 this year and I have others not far behind.  This chapter is about releasing your children to God to do what HE would have them do and not what WE would have them do.

Chapter 5 Teaching Them the Truth.  Above all else, we must teach our children the Truth...biblical truth. This needs to be our priority.

The Epilogue closes this scripture filled book with words of encouragement.

I highly recommend this book for all moms.  It is Biblical, entertaining, convicting and encouraging.  This is a book I will read more than once and would consider it a great gift for a new mom or one getting ready to start homeschooling (and just as good for someone who has been homeschooling for a long time).

You can purchase a copy of How to Have a H.E.A.R.T for your Kids at Apologia educational ministries, inc for $13.00.  Click here to read the introduction.  Did you know that Apologia sells things other than science books?  I didn't realize this until recently.  Check out everything they have to offer on their website.


See what others are saying about this book by visiting the TOS Crew Blog.

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

It's time for Menu Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com

I am still choosing meals from my Food Inventory that I completed a few weeks ago as part of my Goal Planning for the week. Even though I don't always follow the plan too closely, I find it helpful to have a list to choose from.

Monday:Grilled chicken, corn on the cob,watermelon
Tuesday:Amy's minestrone

Wednesday:Slow Cooker Chili con Carne, nachos (from 400 Calorie Fix)

Thursday:Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice


Saturday:Very Veggie Lasagna and bread

Sunday:French Toast and bacon

lunch ideas: sandwiches, Spicy Noodle Edamame Salad, macaroni and cheese  (I want to try this one), BBQ hash, tuna noodle casserole

Add your own meal plan at orgjunkie.com

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slim Down Sunday

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.

Pounds Lost: 44.0 total (.8 lbs this week.)

How is it going this week?  No real problems.  I've fallen into a rut and want to get back to healthier eating.  I need more fiber...and more vegetables.

My plan for the week ahead:  No real plan except to continue eating four 400 calorie meals a day.  I'm considering exercising again....

If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday.  You can link up here.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Football Frenzy Download N Go Giveaway

Today, Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett released Football Frenzy, their latest Download N Go unit study and it is on sale for just $4 until August 20!  This is a great deal!  I have the opportunity to give one away here this week.  The giveaway will only run until Friday so you can still take advantage of this deal even if you are not the winner.

 Football Frenzy looks to be another fun study for football lovers.  All of the Download N Go unit studies are for grades K-4 but are easily adaptable for slightly older and younger children.  We thoroughly enjoyed all of the units we did last year and many are reviewed here on my blog.

In Football Frenzy, you will find 5 days of lessons:

Day 1: What Is Football?
Day 2: Where Did Football Begin?
Day 3: People and Places of Football
Day 4: Science Secrets of Football
Day 5: Goodies and Gadgets of Football

Click here to see sample pages.

I am very excited about another new product from Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett.  They recently released a Download N Go Teacher's Guide.  I would have loved to have this last year (and will probably get a copy as I plan to use some of the units we have but didn't get to later this year.)  It is currently on sale for just $5 with coupon code DNGFan. You can read a nice review of this guide on Ben & Me. Check out all of the other specials currently running here.

Now for the giveaway.  These are the RULES...please read carefully.  You MUST leave a way for me to contact you.  All entries without this information will be disqualified.  You MUST leave a separate comment for each entry. I will use a random generator to choose the winner.

1. 1 entry (mandatory) leave me a comment telling me if you've tried Download N Go unit studies or anything else by Amanda Bennett or if you would like to try one.

Additional entries:

1 entry- follow my blog publicly (if you already do that counts too)
1 entry- tweet this
1 entry-share this on facebook

The winner is Noteable Scraps.  Thank you all for entering!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Slim Down Sunday

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.

Pounds Lost: 43.2 total (1.6 lbs this week.)

How is it going this week?  This week went reasonably well.  I hate when I just want to eat.  I don't do it, but it just reminds me that my battle against losing/maintaining will be life long. :(

My plan for the week ahead:  Just keep doing what I've been doing.  

If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday.  You can link up here.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

It's time for Meal Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com.  This week we are starting back up with school and there is much to do.  We also hope to do at least one fun day trip mixed in with appointments, piano and organ lessons, helping to clean out my grandmother's house among other things makes for another busy week.

I am still choosing meals from my Food Inventory that I completed 2 weeks as part of my Goal Planning for the week. It has been very helpful for me to have a meal plan the last few weeks.

Monday: Zucchini Garden Chowder
Tuesday: Hamburgers and chips

Wednesday: Country Chicken Pot Pie over biscuits or toast (filling is already in the freezer)

Thursday: Homemade Pizza

Friday: Very Veggie Lasagna, bread

Saturday: Macaroni and Cheese (homemade....possibly a crock pot recipe, if you have a good one share it please! or maybe this)

Sunday: French Toast, bacon

lunch ideas: sandwiches, Spicy Noodle Edamame Salad, macaroni and cheese, BBQ hash, tuna noodle casserole

Add your own meal plan at orgjunkie.com

Slim Down Sunday- a day late

I didn't have a chance to post yesterday.  This was a very busy week around here.

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.

Pounds: Lost: 41.6 total (This is only down .2 from last week.  I was down more than that before the weekend but I find that I fluctuate and I'm really OK with that.)

How is it going this week?  I had a good week.  No real problems. I had 2 meals out on Saturday so that could be part of the reason why I didn't lose as much as I would have liked but like I said I am OK with that.  In order to make lifestyle changes I have to be able to eat out and "be normal" or I won't stick with it.

My plan for the week ahead:  Just keep doing what I've been doing.  

If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday.  You can link up here.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I recently found out about Evernote.  It's an online personal digital assistant.  It is free to download and so easy to use. I've only just started using it and I love it already. I wanted to share it in case like me, you hadn't heard of it.

Watch a video here to learn more.

Then watch this episode of Digitwirl.

I am really just learning about everything Evernote can do.  If you are an Evernote user, I'd love for you to share how you use it.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Last week's meal plan was such a help to me that I plan to continue participating in Meal Plan Monday at orgjunkie.com.  This week we have VBS every evening so we may switch things up and eat our bigger meal at noon instead of in the evening and I don't think I am going to decide what I'm having each day ahead of time.  So here's my list of meals for the week:

I chose the meals from my Food Inventory that I completed last week as part of my Goal Planning for the week. I may end up switching around and filling in with leftovers/sandwiches depending on what we have going on. 

Monday: Chinese restaurant for lunch, leftovers/sandwiches for supper
TuesdayCrockpot Pulled Chicken, Green Bean Casserole, Mashed potatoes

Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs, bread

Thursday: Grilled Chicken, Grilled Asparagus and pasta salad

Friday:Country Chicken Pot Pie over biscuits or toast (filling is already in the freezer)

Saturday: Hotdogs (for kids),  other plans for Rob and I

Sunday: Hamburgers and chips

lunch ideas: sandwiches, homemade pizza, macaroni and cheese, BBQ hash, tuna noodle casserole

Add your own meal plan at orgjunkie.com

Goal Planning-Week of July 31, 2011

Having a list of goals for the week really helped me a lot so I am linking up to Mama Manuscripts again this week.

Last week I planned to:

Meal Planning for the week 
Finish prep for VBS crafts.
Finish reading book and start writing review.
Mail card.
Stick to my "diet".
Blog at least 3 times.
Finish ordering the remaining curriculum I need.
Clean out the freezer, take inventory and make a list of meals.
Start making prayer cards.

I completed everything on my list! 

We have VBS this week.  I am one of the directors and I don't expect to have a lot of extra time for projects.

Meal Planning (done)

Re-read How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. for Your Kids and write review. (This book is currently MISSING..please pray that I can find it!) This book has been found.  Thank you for your prayers!

Blog at least 3 times.

School Planning 

Continue Working on Prayer Cards

Clean out at least one drawer or cupboard in the kitchen.

Link up to Mama Manuscripts  Goal Planning Monday and let me know if you so so I can see what you are up to also!