Monday, August 8, 2011

Slim Down Sunday- a day late

I didn't have a chance to post yesterday.  This was a very busy week around here.

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace.

Pounds: Lost: 41.6 total (This is only down .2 from last week.  I was down more than that before the weekend but I find that I fluctuate and I'm really OK with that.)

How is it going this week?  I had a good week.  No real problems. I had 2 meals out on Saturday so that could be part of the reason why I didn't lose as much as I would have liked but like I said I am OK with that.  In order to make lifestyle changes I have to be able to eat out and "be normal" or I won't stick with it.

My plan for the week ahead:  Just keep doing what I've been doing.  

If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday.  You can link up here.


  1. Karen, You have the perfect mindset - be OK with the way your body is handling the lifestyle change. I'm sure my extra loss this week really is just a reflection of the fact that when I weighed last week I was flunctuating high. We have to be able to enjoy life and that includes time out with family, holidays, etc. You're doing great - 41.6 is an awsome accomplishment! April

  2. Your doing great!!!! I also fluctuate up and down a few kgs.....Hope next week is just as good for you Cheers Sue
