Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Crazed Panicked Dieter

 Hello.  My name is Karen and I am a crazed, panicked dieter. Can you relate?  This last year has been SO tough for me.  I've now been on a 3 year journey of weight loss.  You can read about how I lost the first 85 lbs and then more about how I got to 100 lbs lost.  I have since lost about 12 lbs more, but most of this year I have STRUGGLED with taking off any more weight...especially in the last 4 months or so.  I have been bouncing up and down with the same 3 lbs.  I have not been a happy camper.  I have tried lots of different things to no avail.

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My latest weight loss attempt was 2 weeks of Atkins Induction.  If you know anyone that has done this give them a big pat on the back.  It is HARD!  I also have tried bulletproof coffee with intermittent fasting. I have been reading online and reading lots of books trying to figure out what to try next.....but yesterday I realized...


I have been OBSESSED!!  It is not healthy.   So I am trying to take a step back.  I still want to lose weight, but I can't have it be my whole life.

My current plan is healthy eating in MODERATION.  Moderation is the difficult part for me.  Stay tuned.  If necessary I WILL go back to counting points or calories but for now I am just trying to eat reasonably and not gain weight.  I do not want to be a statistic.  I know most people gain the weight back and I just want to do whatever it takes to not be that person...AND not be a fanatic at the same time.

Please share any ideas or encouragement.  I love comments!


  1. I am so glad we are friends and on this journey of life together!

  2. Wow. I could have written EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. Really, I am sitting here in shock. I just said to my older kids. "All things in moderation." I was crazy, obsessed and angry. I just hit a wall last week and said, "enough is enough...the stress of this is worse than the fat I have."

    I will be following. I haven't even had the words to blog my experience. I am still processing it. I thank you for this post.

  3. Thank you Stacy! Me too.

    Melanie your comment alone made this post worth my time. My heart goes out to you. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat. kgouvin (at) hotmail (dot) com.

  4. I know I already said this to you, but this is GREAT. This sounds HEALTHY. It also doesn't sound insane. :) I'm proud of you for taking this step, because I know it freaks you out and you're scared. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!

  5. I Karen,I just came across your blog after reading your recipe from Swerve. My heart skipped a beat from your confession. Yes, everyday I wake up and the first thing on my mind is ... did I lose a pound in the night? If the scales say no, I begin the day hating myself and my lack of ability to shed anymore weight. I have cried out to God on too many days wondering what is wrong with me trying to not hate myself, analyzing every little thing of the day that may have caused me not to move that number on the scale. All day it is an obsession of "What's wrong with me?, How do I do better?" There are so many days when I don't want to look in the mirror that it is embarrassing. But finally I am done... done obsessing. More praying less fussing. Thanks for your confession.

  6. Thanks for sharing that Anita. I am glad you are "done" too!

  7. So much of this resonates with me. I've tried every "diet" out there and enough is enough. I finally can maintain sanity, and feed children, on a budget with something I stumbled upon by accident. It was a really good read. (Not to mention, short and funny). It emphasizes moderation and is a common sense approach. The info is free on the website but the book is really such a good read. I take it out often to re-read I like it so much. Brings me down from all the diet hype and conflicting information. It's called, The No S Diet. Google it. It finally helped me make peace with food. I have JOY again.

  8. I, too, was a crazy dieter. In August, I decided to throw out my scale and discovered cellular cleansing. No more dieting!!! I've lost 30 lbs. and my body fat percentage has dropped 6 points. Yay! Cellular cleansing has been my answered prayer!
