Sunday, November 10, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

After several weeks of trying to figure out how I want to eat that included an extremely low carb diet I have finally decided to count Weight Watchers Points again.  I started today.  It feels like freedom.

I also started using Plan to Eat for meal planning.  I think I am in love. :) See this review for more info.

Monday:Apple Marinated Pork Chops with Cabbage and Cauli-Rice

Wednesday: Roasted Spaghetti Squash with roasted vegetables

Thursday: Dinner Out

Friday: Spicy Sweet Potato Corn Chowder with Ham

Saturday: Spice Rubbed Vinegar Glazed Chicken and vegetables

Link up your own menu plan at (Or just find great ideas from other bloggers that share their menus.) This week is found here. (will update tomorrow when link goes live)


  1. I would love to use something like this but have been deterred by the time it might take to input my recipes. Is it tedious?

  2. You do have to enter stuff but they make it pretty easy and it is really easy to import recipes that are online. You can get a free trial so you can see if you like it before buying.

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