Friday, April 5, 2013

Trim Healthy Mama-Week 7

This is my 7th week of Trim Healthy Mama. Holding steady.

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No official workout. I did jump on the trampoline some today.

Breakfast- (FP) French Toast Wonder Wraps with Greek 0% yogurt and Gwen's' Berry Syrup
Snack- (FP) Fat Stripping Frappa
Lunch- (S) Out to lunch with Rob: Iceberg wedge salad with bleu cheese and bacon, grilled chicken
Supper- (S) FP muffin bread with Laughing Cow Cheese, Greek Yogurt with 2 tsp. peanut flour and Gwen's berry syrup and later 2 small pieces of skinny chocolate.
Snack- (FP) Muffin in a Bowl, Greek 0% yogurt, Gwen's Berry syrup and S(a square of 85% dark chocolate)


No official workout.  Did a few pushups and jumped a little on the trampoline.

Breakfast- (FP) Muffin bread, butter, 2 Steamed Omega 3s with coconut oil
Lunch-(S) Greek 0% yogurt as Reese's Whip with FF Reddi Whip and a few nuts
Supper- (S) Tossed Salad with Salmon, Muffin in a Bowl and Gwen's Berry syrup
Snack- (FP) Joseph's crackers and Laughing Cow Cheese, Pudding

Sunday- Easter Sunday
Workout- 300+ jumps on the rebounder, push ups, squats, worked with my 5 lb handweights and did sit ups

Breakfast- (S) 2 eggs and FP muffin bread
Lunch- Easter Dinner...all on plan...but TOO much

I can't remember what I had last night and didn't write it down.  It was on plan...overall I did eat too much but it wasn't "terrible"


Workout-Not much.  My back hurt.  I did some squats and a few push ups.

Breakfast- (FP) Greek yogurt with Jay Robb whey protein and some pb flour
Lunch-(S) Tossed Salad with broiled salmon, a small amount of almonds, EVOO, balsamic and parmesan
Supper-Leftover ham in lavash with laughing cow cheese and tomato and a FP muffin in a bowl with yogurt and Gwen's berry syrup
Snack- (FP) Nighty Night custard


 Workout- Rebounding, From Door to Floor (this is where you start out with 1 pushup then stand up and touch the door frame...then 2 pushups..stand up etc.  I made it to 8 push ups!), squats

Breakfast- (E) Trim Healthy Pancakes, Greek 0% yogurt, Gwen's berry syrup
Snack-(FP) Fat Stripping Frappa
Lunch-(S) My usual salad with Salmon
Snack- (FP) Muffin in a Bowl with Greek yogurt and Gwen's berry syrup (and some Kale chips)
Supper-(S) Portobello Mushroom Pizza,(S) Skinny chocolate
Snack- (FP)  Yogurt with whey protein powder and 1 T. peanut flour


No workout

Breakfast- Greek 0% Yogurt with Whey Protein and some peanut flour
Lunch- Salad (the usual)
Supper-(FP) Creamy Vegetable Soup and FP Muffin in a Bowl Bread with butter (this probably made this meal a light S)
Snack- Muffin in a Bowl with Greek 0% yogurt and Berry Syrup
Joseph's Crackers with laughing cow cheese

Workout-Jump 100 times on rebounder-10 push-ups, 100 times on rebounder-9 push-ups etc down to 1 push up (all "girl" style)

Breakfast- (S) Coconut Blueberry Muffins
Lunch-(S)Tuna on FP muffin in a bowl bread (YUM)- small dessert dish of "Reese's" Whip yogurt
Supper-(S) Quiche and Tossed Salad with EVOO and balsalmic (no extra goodies)
Snack- (E) Apple with 1 tsp. peanut butter

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