Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Read Aloud Challenge

I am so excited that I have actually been reading and have something to share.  We started a unit study of The 20th Century for an upcoming review and we've been reading all kinds of things.  I really enjoy learning/teaching this way.

Since we are studying the 20th Century I decided to take a chronological approach.  So right now we are reading books from subjects pertaining to the early 1900s.

The first book we read was Remember the Lusitania! by Diana Preston.  Though it is a mostly sad story, I have always enjoyed taken an interest in reading books about ships that were sunk and what happened.  Morbid?  Maybe.

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I also read part of The Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1906  by Eric Saul and Don Denevi. This is not a children's book but I read some of the text and we looked at lots of pictures.

I am currently reading a book from the Dear America series, Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady R.M.S. Titanic, 1912.

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We've also read parts of a Kids Discover magazine on World War I.

I have more books out of the library right now than we can possibly get to, but am really enjoying the books we are reading so much.

And on a side note, every time I get on a roll with reading aloud I get sick.  EVERY TIME.  Yes, I have a cold and I am so stuffed up it is nearly impossible to read.  I hate that!

Want some reading inspiration?  Visit Footprints in the Butter for this week's challenge to see what others are reading.

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