Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stick with it Saturday

Well, Stick with it Saturday is here again. This was a rough week.  I needed to get my final runs in before running my first 5K (today).  I ended up doing something to my neck while running on Wednesday and have had pain in my neck, shoulder and down to my shoulder blade.  I wasn't sure I'd even be able to go.  I finally decided that I'd go even if all I could do was walk.  I was SO disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to run.  I woke up this morning with my neck really hurting a lot and almost decided not to go.  I took a hot shower, took some ibuprofen and put a heating pack on.  It helped a lot.

my shirt
picking up my t-shirt at registration

I did it!
I did it!
I ended up going and running at a 30 second ratio.  I had a problem with my 5K app at the beginning of the run and spent some time fiddling with that so I lost some time there...also had to stop to tie my shoe (I even double knotted them).  My goal was to finish in under 40 minutes.  I didn't make it.  I finished in 41:28.   But, I did it!  I'm not really in a hurry to sign up for another one, but I think I will run more races in the future.  I came in 23rd for women (not sure out of how many, but I think there may have only been one other woman runner that came in after me..the others were all walkers.)  Hey, somebody has to be last.  Once my neck feels better I plan to get back to my 10K app.

The kids had fun waiting..there was a bouncy house, face painting and a firetruck to climb into.  They also were holding a blood drive.


Ellie driving the firetruck

Ellie and Sadie
Sadie and Ellie

I was down .4 at Weight Watchers this week.  I still wish the weight would come off a little faster but every week I'm down a little so I guess I can't complain.

Goal for the week: stick to the plan!

Link up your own diet/exercise post over at Sam's Noggin.

1 comment:

  1. Go you!! It looks like the kids had fun as well, and as far as the weight goes, every lit bit adds up in the end!!
