Friday, September 28, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal

I came across the Homeschool Mother's Journal link up on my friend Sam's blog and thought it would be fun to do. If I like it, I will try to link up each week.

In my life this week…

On Saturday, we took the kids apple picking. Then, I did something drastic.  I cut my hair short.  I haven't had short hair in many years.  I love having it short again.  I was a nervous wreck while it was being cut off (I meant to take a picture of all the hair on the floor but I forgot.)  It turned out good though, so I'm happy I did it.

the back of my head

Oldest and youngest at the apple orchard
This was in the morning before I cut my hair.

We went to church on Sunday morning and evening. My oldest daughter, Becca was here visiting. It was nice to have the whole family together. It had been almost a year since we took a photo of all of us.

All of us 

 On Monday, I had to take Katie (15) to the oral surgeon for a consultation for getting her wisdom teeth out.  I also took her to practice the organ and managed to squeeze in a 2 mile run in preparation for my first 5K race this weekend. It was also two of my daughter's birthdays.  Jenna turned 7 and Sadie turned 3.


On Wednesday morning, I knew that I needed to get up early to run or I would not have time.  I started out fine, but about half way through I got an excruciating pain in my neck, down my back and in my shoulder.  I ran for a bit more, but ended up having to just walk home. still hurts and the race is tomorrow.  But, I digress.  I came home and went to Weight Watchers.  I brought my "fat clothes" as a show and tell and that was pretty fun.  

The rest of the week was pretty run of the mill. My focus has been on this neck pain and whether or not I'll be able to run after months of preparation.  

In our homeschool this week…

This year Emma (9) and Jenna (7) are using Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space.  We are currently doing the second unit which is on the Lithosphere.  The chapter is on volcanoes so I decided to do Download N' Go's Volatile Volcanoes unit study.  Two years ago we used Download N' Go as our curriculum and it has been good to get back to some of that. (We finished Cavernous Caves last week.)  We did 3 days of it this week and we'll finish it next week.  

We also made some changes this week.  Katie switched back to Teaching Textbooks for Algebra II. She has been studying diligently for her upcoming PSAT which I went and officially signed her up for today.

I've also realized in the last week or so that my daughter Jenna can read. Normally, I use Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, but we reviewed Reading Kingdom so Jenna has been using that on the computer each day and has really blossomed.  She read, The Golly Sisters Go West all by herself.  I am so proud of her.  I think she is seeing the fun in reading.  (At the beginning of the school year, she told me she didn't want to learn how to read.)

I’m grateful for…

So many things but with my recent neck injury I am thankful for my good health.  I am thankful that I've been able to lose over 80 lbs and be in shape enough to even consider running a 5K....just so thankful for it! I am grateful to my family for supporting me as I take the time to run each week too.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Becca and Connor on our trip to the apple orchard.

Link up your own Homeschool Mother's Journal post.  


  1. Sounds like a great week! I hope you can make the 5K! I want to see the front of that 'do!

  2. Welcome to the Homeschool Mother's Journal :) I've been linking up for awhile now and have enjoyed reading other's posts -like yours!
    What a lovely family you have :) Are your daughters' birthdays on the *same* day? That'd be neat!
    Hope your weekend is great!

  3. Yes, they do have the same birthday (and I wasn't just happened that way!) I really enjoyed this link up so I want to keep doing it!

    Sam, I have pictures of me on my facebook page today from the 5K that show the front of my haircut. (Don't look at the ones right after the race though!) LOL
