Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Bucket List

I've seen a lot of summer bucket lists this week on various blogs.  I thought it might be fun to make one for us too.

1. Go swimming at East Beach
2. Go to Mystic Seaport
3. Go to the Mystic Aquarium
4. Go to Southwick's Zoo
5. Visit NY city

6. Visit the State House
7. Go to VBS
8. Get clam cakes at Iggy's
9. Go swimming in the pool.
10. Make homemade ice cream in a bag

11. Make S'mores over a campfire
12. Build a solar oven and cook something.
13. Try ice cube painting
14. Make a butterfly feeder
15. Make homemade sidewalk chalk

16. Make a foil river
17. Walk to Napatree Point
18. Go to DQ for ice cream
19. Participate in a summer reading program...read lots!
20. Go to the fair

21. Go to NH
22. Eat supper at the beach
23. Ride the Watch Hill Carousel and walk to the light house
24. Science Experiments from Amazing Science DVD
25. Go to the playground

26. Make campfire cones 
27. Make homemade lemonade (and read Lentil)
28. Oily Fireworks
29. Go bowling
30. Make Ice Sculptures

31. Shaving cream cloud
32. crayon melting on a candle warmer
33. paint the driveway with water and paintbrushes
34. Make soap clouds
35. Ride the escalators at the mall (yes, my kids love this)

36. Make rainbow bubble snakes
37. Visit Becca in NY
38. Make Oobleck
39. Go to Boston and walk the Freedom Trail

I think I'll keep adding to this and maybe I should cross things off as we do them too!

Besides our own family traditions much of my inspiration came from these first two links:
Homeschool Share Blog
The Home Teacher
Pinterest Summer Bucket Lists

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