Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oat Fiber Strawberry Shortcake

Oat fiber is one of my favorite "new" products that I have been introduced to since starting the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating.  Last week I shared an amazing oat fiber bread recipe from AnaStacia P. and this week I am sharing a sweet variation of that recipe which makes a nice strawberry shortcake.

Oat Fiber Strawberry Shortcake (FP)

1/4 cup oat fiber
a couple of pinches sea salt
3/4 tsp. glucomannan powder
1/2 tsp. baking powder
2-3 tsp. Truvia and a sprinkle of stevia extract (or make it with all stevia extract to taste)
1/3 cup egg whites
3 T. water
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix dry ingredients in  a dish, then add wet ingredients and mix well. Cook in microwave for about 1 minute 30 seconds until it's only slightly wet on top. You'll have to play with it as each microwave varies.If you prefer not to use a microwave, you can bake this in a 350° oven for 20-25 minutes or until done. Once it comes out I dump it out onto a clean kitchen towel to cool.

The Fruit of Her Hands shortcake photo photo1_zpsbf68c630.jpg

Meanwhile, (or if you are smarter than me you will do this ahead of time) cut up some strawberries and sprinkle with Truvia. Allowing the strawberries to sit a while will make them juicier and more sweet. To keep this FP be sure use no more than 1 cup of strawberries.

 photo photo2_zps874ae950.jpg

Cut up your shortcake pieces into cubes.  They remind me of a spongecake.

The Fruit of Her Hands oat fiber shortcake photo photo3_zps7ded4c50.jpg

Finally, put it all together...and squirt a bit of fat free Reddi-wip on top (not too much though...a true serving size is ridiculously small.)

The Fruit of Her Hands Oat Fiber Strawberry Shortcake {FP} photo oatfiberstrawberryshortcake_zps0018c2ff.jpg

If you want to know more about oat fiber, see my Oat Fiber post.

Linking up with Trim Healthy Tuesdays at Stacy Makes Cents where this week she shares and FP Triple Berry Smoothie and at Gwen's Nest for a giveaway and post about Rooibos tea.


  1. I LOVE strawberry shortcake and cannot wait to try this! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...1.5 million. The end.
    Thanks for linking at Trim Healthy Tuesday!
    ~Stacy @ Stacy Makes Cents

  3. I just tried this and it was awesome!! Just what I needed to end my second FP day this time around on the Fuel Cycle!

  4. Thanks for sharing this ~ I had it as my birthday dessert :-) I quadrupled the recipe and made a doz cupcakes. They got a thumbs up from everyone in the family,except my 6 yr old daughter who is especially fond of sweets and chocolate

  5. Okay, this is way too good to be FP! A huge hit at my house. My son can't believe I will serve him this for breakfast, w a smile on my face. I did top his w 1-2 TB heavy cream, ok and mine. I'm guessing that kicked it into S. BUT we did only eat 1/2 each w a total of 1 c strawberries between us. Thank you Thank you. We love it!

  6. i am hoping to try this soon as it looks AWESOME, but have you tried with without the glucci? just curious if it would turn out ok without it... is it to thicken the batter? thanks!

  7. I've never tried it without the gluccomannan. So, I don't know.

  8. I normally don't go on people's blogs but I tried this and I can safely say that the shortcake alone would taste very close to a shortcake from the store (without any of the other ingredients).

    I tried substituting the glucomannan powder with xanthan gum because God only knows where you can get that stuff without ordering it online. Not sure if the recipe suffered or not.

  9. I was wondering if you have made this a multiple reicpe? or would it bbe better to simply make several individual ones for my whole family? thanks!

  10. I love strawberry. This is such a perfect desert to try next time. Thanks a lot for the inspiration.
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  11. How does using oat fiber for the fiber and zero net carb factor compare to using vital wheat gluten for the same reason? Have you used the two together before? Thanks for any input! This looks fantastic! Super info about oat fiber in general too. I've been adding it to my baking mixes (on my own) but not in the amounts you have. So glad to know it works even better to use more. Thanks so much!

  12. Thank you so much for this! About what size dish is this cooked in?

  13. Hi! I was wondering what FP meant? Is it a special diet?

    1. FP stands for Fuel Pull. It's part of the http://www.trimhealthymama.com/
      way of life. I love it! I borrowed the book mid September and as of 4/27/16 have lost 27 lbs. I am addicted to sugar. The THM recipes use Setrvia so my sweet tooth is happy. I often have something sweet for breakfast and always have an evening dessert. Life is good on THM!
