Friday, November 22, 2013

Three Things Thursday

Linking up again with 3 things about me:

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1.  I love to bake.  I have been baking for as long as I can remember.  I think my favorite thing to bake is bread but I also love to bake cookies, cakes, name it.

2. I didn't start drinking coffee until about a month ago and now I am hooked.

3. I used to be a chair-side dental assistant.  I was trained "on the job" but I did have to take a course to be certified to take x-rays.

Each Thursday, you can join in the fun with Three Things Thursday. Share 3 random facts about you on your blog, then link up. Visit other blogs and make new friends - or learn fun things about your friends that you didn't know before!


  1. Cool! I'm sorry I told you I hated the dentist. LOL

  2. Hahaha...I'm not a dentist. I hate going too!
