Friday, November 1, 2013

Swerve Sweetener

Today was an exciting day at my house.  Whenever UPS comes to the house and you aren't expecting a package you know it's going to be a good day.  As the delivery man got close to the door, I could see that the box said Swerve on it.  Then I remembered that a couple of weeks ago I applied to be a Switch to Swerve blogger ambassador (there is still time to apply).  I was so excited to see what they sent and FLOORED by their generosity.

In case you haven't heard of Swerve, it is a zero calorie, non-glycemic sweetener that tastes and measures just like sugar.

The Swerve Sweetie Pie Kit

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Look at all this great stuff!  

I have already tried it in my coffee (good) and now I can't wait to start baking! (I'll post again after I give it a try.)

Thank you Swerve Sweetener!

If you'd like to try it they have a sample pack available for $1 that comes with a $2 off coupon.

Disclaimer: While I did receive this package free from Swerve, there was no expectation that I write anything about it. I am just so excited I had to share!

1 comment:

  1. I have taste similar sweetener like this and I would like to tell that sweetener really helps as a substitute to table sugar.
    Passion Fruit Flavored Stevia
