Friday, October 18, 2013

Chalkboard Shoebox Surprise (A Frugal Gift Idea)

I am not exactly sure how I came up with this idea but I had a shoebox and I've seen lots of great ideas for things you can do with chalkboard paint on Pinterest.  So I came up with this shoebox gift that would be great for birthdays or Christmas or any other occasion when you want to treat someone.

I made this one for a 4 year old, but the ideas for what you could put in a box like this are endless.

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A can of chalkboard spray paint is inexpensive and contains enough for several projects.  My can cost about $3.50.  I had a one piece shoebox that I opened up and painted with black spray paint first.  I left the back and bottom as it was because it had a nice design on it.  

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I folded the box over and masked off the parts I didn't want painted with paper bags and paper.  I could have used painter's tape, but I wasn't that fussy.

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Once the regular black paint dried I painted only the top with the chalkboard paint since I was planning to decorate the sides. I did several coats following the directions on the can.

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You can write any message you wish on the box.  
I decorated the box with foam letters, numbers and shapes.

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I left the design on the back of the box but there was still a logo on it.  
I used a Sharpie to cover it up and glued an A (for Annie) over it.

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Inside of the box I enclosed foam letters, numbers and shapes.

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This counting activity made with craft sticks, glue and acrylic jewels.

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I spray painted an empty mint box with chalkboard paint 
to make a chalkboard chalk box.

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I had to break the chalk in half to fit it in the box.

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You could make this for a boy by replacing the pink crayons with regular crayons
and the tea set with a matchbox car.
The finished box, foam letters, the chalk box, number sticks, sticky notes (kids seem to love these for some reason), a glue stick, crayons and a tiny tea set I picked up on clearance.  This didn't cost me anything because I had everything already at home.  Yes, I bought most everything at one time...mostly on clearance or back to school sales.  Just look around your house and my shoebox gift Pinterest board and I am sure you can come up with great ideas for what could go in a gift box like this.

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Another gift box idea...a large bottle of bubbles (on clearance for $1),
crayons (also on clearance) and a stuffed animal we had but they can be found inexpensively.

Visit my Shoebox Pinterest board with TONS of ideas for filling these boxes.

The ideas for filling these boxes don't stop with preschoolers. This can be adapted for all ages.  Just think of the person you are making it for and design it for them.  For a woman, you could decoupage pretty paper onto a box and put chalkboard paint on one end so the recipient can use the box to store something on a shelf and label what is inside. Fill it with good chocolates, and some kitchen towels.  Who wouldn't love that?

What would you put in the box?  What would you like to receive?  Let me know in the comments.

Linked up with Handmade Tuesdays at Ladybug Blessings.