Thursday, September 5, 2013

Review of Dear Wife: Letters from a Help Meet

I recently had the privilege of reading Dear Wife: Letters from a Help Meet by Misty Leask.  I first met Misty when she was a teenager and we were attending the same church. It is a blessing to see her as a mature woman of faith.

In this short e-book there are chapters that speak to different issues we as wives may be struggling with.
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Chapters include:

Dear Wife Who Feels Alone
Dear Wife Who Feels Unloved
Dear Wife Who Feels Unwanted
Dear Wife Who Feels Unattractive
Dear Wife Who Feels Overwhelmed
Dear Wife Who Feels Unmotivated
Dear Wife Who Lives Worried
Dear Wife Who Lives Exhausted
Dear Wife Who is Depressed
Dear Wife Who is Stressed
Dear Wife Who is Angry
Dear Wife Who Feels Unloving

Through each chapter, Misty shares Biblical wisdom in short chapters that are easy to manage yet give Biblical food for thought at the same time. Each chapter ends with a heartfelt prayer to help you. This book could easily be used for daily devotions or just to help get you through a difficult spot in your marriage with any of the issues mentioned in each chapter.   I am sure you will be blessed as I was.

You can purchase Dear Wife:Letters from a Help Meet for $2.99 on Amazon.  This is Misty's second book. You can check out her first book, Unfulfilled:A Help Meet's Journey, also $2.99 on Amazon.

Read what others thought about Misty's book on her link-up.

Disclaimer:  I was given a free copy of this book for the purposes of reviewing it.  I received no compensation and was not asked to write a positive review.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Karen for reading and reviewing my book! (((hugs)))
