Friday, July 5, 2013

What is Oat Fiber?

As a Trim Healthy Mama follower and FB moderator, one question that comes up frequently is about a product called oat fiber.  It is different from oatmeal, oat bran and oat flour.  I thought I'd do a short video and show a few pictures of the differences between them.

 photo OatFiberComparison_zpsf4586870.jpg
I forgot to add oat flour to this picture, but it is in the video.  

Here is my first ever video on this blog:

This is one of my favorite "new" products and I use it a lot.  In the Trim Healthy Mama book there is a recipe for a muffin in a bowl that is delicious.  Since the book came out, many ladies have come up with wonderful variations including an FP bread, FP strawberry shortcake and several different kinds of muffins and cakes.  This chocolate cake in particular is FABULOUS.

The oat fiber has no calories, no fat and no net carbs.

You can purchase oat fiber from Netrition or Honeyville.

Linking up with Trim Healthy Tuesdays at Gwen's Nest and Stacy Makes Cents.


  1. You are AWESOME!
    And you have a lovely voice. :)

  2. Thanks for linking to my chocolate cake (fuel pull) recipe! I have had so many say how much they love it! It tastes so good..hard to believe it is a fuel pull!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hooray!!! I'm so glad you did this, Karen!!! Now I can link to it all the time. Hip, hip, HOORAY!!

  4. So happy to link to it, Sheri. I LOVE it!

  5. You've been featured at Trim Healthy Tuesday!

  6. Woo hoo Stacy! What an honor! Thank you!

  7. Hi Karen, thanks so much for this explanation. I've linked it many times for the fuel pull dessert pictures I've posted on THM facebook that call for oat fiber and people always confuse oat bran for the fiber. Great video!!

  8. Great video! Never heard of oat fiber before THM and now I know what I am looking for. Thanks for this video!!

  9. Great video! Never heard of oat fiber before THM and now I know what I am looking for. Thanks for this video!!

  10. Yes...what IS Oat Fiber exactly?

  11. Does anyone know what the density of oat fiber is? I don't have a scale but have seen recipes calling for both volume measurements and mass measurements. The bag I bought says a teaspoon is 3 grams, but other sources seem to suggest that 3 grams is more like a tablespoon. Some have stated that 20 grams would be around 1/4 cup, others 15 grams.
