Monday, June 17, 2013

Goal Planning Monday

It's time for Goal Planning Monday which is now being hosted by Debbie's Digest.  I set a lot of goals last week.  I didn't reach them all but I am pretty happy with what I got done.  This is another busy week.  I am hopeful that this is my last REALLY busy week for a while.

Last week:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group. (Yes!)

2. Write in my Journible. (Yes!)

3. Blog (Yes!)

4. Finish summer bucket list (No)

5. Make a check off chart for physical therapy exercises (No)

6. Do my physical therapy exercises (Yes, but not as much as I should have. :(  )

7. Send in homeschool end of year paperwork to the schools (Yes!)

8. Get a haircut (Yes!)

9. Work on crocheted blanket (Yes!)

10. Sign up for church directory portraits (Yes!)

11. Sew sink skirt (No)

12. Go to bed early at least 3 times this week. (No, sadly not even once.)

13. Re-read Chapter 5 of Trim Healthy Mama (Yes!)

14. Read at least one more chapter of Unglued (Yes!)

15. Read at least one chapter of Experiencing God (No)

16. Do 4- 15 minute sessions cleaning in the bedroom closet (No)

17. Start chore planning for summer (No)

18. Continue reading Paperless Organization and begin setting up digital binder (No)

This week:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group.

2. Write in my Journible.

3. Blog

4. Finish summer bucket list

5. Make a check off chart for physical therapy exercises

6. Do my physical therapy exercises

7. Start tagging books for used curriculum sale

8. Call for Katie's paperwork for camp

9. Finish crocheted blanket

10. Get summer clothes for Katie

11. Sew sink skirt

12. Read Christi the Coupon coach for review

13. Re-read Chapter 12 of Trim Healthy Mama

14. Read chapter 6 of Unglued

15. Read at least one chapter of Experiencing God

16. Work on bedroom closet

17. Start chore planning for summer

18. Continue reading Paperless Organization and begin setting up digital binder

19. Order Katie's birthday presents

1 comment:

  1. 10 out of 18 done is not bad... and you have even more goals this week. I commented and it is only Tuesday. I am doing better. I did not get as much done last week as I wanted to either. But, it is a new week and we have as much time as anyone else in our day. I'll be praying for you, that you have a prosperous week and get much accomplished. You didn't say anything about not feeling well so I hope you are all better. God Bless and have a great week.
