It's time for Goal Planning Monday(this links to last week...I will update if/when a new one is posted) by Mama Manuscripts. I had a good week. I love when I accomplish the things I set out to do. I do so much better with a list.
Last week:
1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group. (Yes, I am so excited about this. I have memorized 38 verses so far this year.)
2. Write in my Journible. (Not every day but yes, I am working on this.)
3. Make sink skirt for church nursery. (Not finished but I have the measurements I need and the fabric and velcro.)
4. Finish and post Home School in the Woods review (Yes!)
5. Write Science Naturally Review. ('s not finished but it's almost done and not due until next week. Yay!)
6. Other blogging (Yes!)
7. Read to the kids. (Yes, but not as much as I would have liked.)
8. Order HP tests for Emma and Ryan. (Yes)
This week:
1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group.
2. Write in my Journible.
3. Work on my Scaredy Cat reading review.
4. Finish Science Naturally review.
5. Other blogging
6. Read to the kids
7. Run 3 times. (Finish week 4 of the 5K training I am doing.)
8. Make Ellie's pediatric ophthalmology appointment
I think we're living parallel lives (even though I haven't written out my whole list of goals lately) -- scripture memory, journible, reviews, read alouds and even running. I should warn you that running can be addictive. It all started with the Couch to 5K and now I'm saying things like "half-marathon in October." :)