Sunday, April 21, 2013

Math Rider Review

Last year we had the opportunity to try Math Rider and once again we have had the opportunity to review it.  This is a math facts software program that is as effective as it is fun to play. Math Rider is recommended for ages 6-12 but really could be used by anyone (even older children) working on their math facts.  I even like playing it myself.  Facts from 1-12 are covered in this game. Up to 8 riders (users) can play....which is perfect for large families like mine.

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Students (or parents) can choose which of the 4 operations to practice (or practice them mixed) and  can set which numbers are being used as well.  There are two "race modes" .  One is timed, where the other allows the student as much time as they need.

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The following screen shot shows one of the courses.  The blue box in the lower right corner is where the problem appears it then starts moving across the screen toward the white box.  If the student enters the wrong answer or no answer the problem and answer will come up on the screen and there is audio as well.  I like the audio/visual reinforcement.

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At the end of each ride there is a bar graph that you can mouse over.  It will tell how long it took you to answer each fact and it you are going slower than your last ride it will tell you that as well.

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Statistics are available that shows which facts have been mastered and also gives a list of facts that the student is struggling with.  You can also see their progress at a quick glance on the bottom right.

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Part of the fun factor of Math Rider is the quests. In Quest mode, students follow a story (finding medicine for your sick mother, save a princess etc) and work their way through The Mathlands.  They can see this map to see how they are progressing. As students complete quests they earn "rewards". There is a magical element to this program It wasn't a problem for us, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Watch this video for a good overview:

My elementary students have been using this daily as a part of their math learning.

Overall, Math Rider is a fun way for your child to learn their math facts while you easily monitor their progress.   I highly recommend it. You can also try it free for 7 days.

Purchase Math Rider for $47. The $47 purchase is for a lifetime license with free updates.  System requirements can be found here.

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See what others are saying about Math Rider on the The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew blog.


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