Monday, April 8, 2013

Goal Planning Monday

Here is this week's Goal Planning Monday  post at Mama Manuscripts. I didn't get much done this past week so it's back on the list for this week. I am doubtful about how much I'll get to because it is a busy week.

Last week:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group. (YES!)

2. Write in my Journible. (Yes, but not every day.)

3. Do Erin's taxes. (No)

4. Do Rachel's taxes. (No)

5. Shorten church nursery curtains. (No)

6. Make sink skirt for church nursery. (No)

7. Exercise 4 times this week.  (I have a cold and my back has been bothering me so we'll see.) I'm not sure if I made it to 4 or not.

8. Write a Homeschool Mother's Journal post this week. (No. SIGH)

9. Work on TOS reviews. (Yes, I did some.)

10. Do some closet cleaning! (No)

This week:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group.

2. Write in my Journible.

3. Do Erin's taxes.

4. Do Rachel's taxes.

5. Shorten church nursery curtains.

6. Make sink skirt for church nursery.

7. Exercise 4 times this week. 

8. Write a Homeschool Mother's Journal post this week.

9. Work on TOS reviews.

10. Do some closet cleaning!

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