Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Goal Planning "Monday"

Once again it has been 2 weeks since I posted for Goal Planning Monday by Mama Manuscripts.   I meant to...I just never did.  Here's what I accomplished in the last 2 weeks.

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group. (Yes!)

2. Write in my Journible. (Yes, but not every day.)

3. Make sink skirt for church nursery. (UGH...not yet)

4. Finish and post Progeny Press review. (Done!)

5. Finish and post Math Rider review. (Yes!)

6. Work on other reviews. (Yes!)

7. Do more cleaning in the closet. (Hardly any)

8. Catch up on ironing. (Yes and I didn't even have to do it myself.)

9. Go through the kids shoes, coats and clothes-bring out spring/summer clothes. (Yes, what a HUGE accomplishment!)

10. Start running again. (Yes!)

This week I want to:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group.

2. Write in my Journible.

3. Make sink skirt for church nursery.

4. Finish and post Home School in the Woods review

5. Write Science Naturally Review.

6. Other blogging

7. Read to the kids.

8. Order HP tests for Emma and Ryan.

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