Monday, April 15, 2013

Goal Planning Monday

Here is this week's Goal Planning Monday  post at Mama Manuscripts. I got more done than I actually expected to last week since it was such a busy week.

Last week:

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group. (Pretty much.  I have one new one that still isn't 100%, but almost.)

2. Write in my Journible. (I did this, but not every day.)

3. Do Erin's taxes. (Yes!)

4. Do Rachel's taxes. (Yes!)

5. Shorten church nursery curtains. (No, but I don't have to...plans were changed and different curtains were purchased.)

6. Make sink skirt for church nursery. (No, hoping to get to this this week.)

7. Exercise 4 times this week. (No, I did exercise some but not 4 times.  My back has been bothering me.)

8. Write a Homeschool Mother's Journal post this week. (

9. Work on TOS reviews. (Not really)

10. Do some closet cleaning! (Yes, I did start this!)

This week:

My husband is on vacation this week.  This makes life different.  Hoping to get a lot done but he also likes to go places so I'm not sure how much I will get done.

1. Keep up to date with my scripture memory group.

2. Write in my Journible. (Yes, but not every day.)

3. Make sink skirt for church nursery.

4. Finish and post Progeny Press review. (Done!)

5. Finish and post Math Rider review.

6. Work on other reviews.

7. Do more cleaning in the closet.

8. Catch up on ironing. (Yes and I didn't even have to do it myself.)

9. Go through the kids shoes, coats and clothes-bring out spring/summer clothes. (Yes, what a HUGE accomplishment!)

10. Start running again. (Yes!)

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