Monday, March 4, 2013

Goal Planning Monday

Here is this week's Goal Planning Monday post at Mama Manuscripts. An update on how I did with last week's goals and new ones for this week.

Last Week's Goals:

1. Start my new Journible (book of John) and continue working on scripture memory verses. (I have started my new Journible and I am working on my Bible verses.)

2. Exercise 5 or more times this week. (Yes!)

3. Get back to some Fly Lady! (No...never did this)

4. Taxes.  DO them!! (Didn't do them STILL)

5. Finish and work on some reviews.  Do my regular blog posts. (Yes!)

6. Work on my closet. ( on this one too.)

Goals for this week:

1. Taxes!!!  This is getting ridiculous.  I need to get these done.

2. Exercise 4-5 times this week.

3. Work on my blog

4. Continue with my Journible and Scripture Memory verses.

That's it....I hope I can handle that!


  1. Hi - I just read your review of IEW PAL and how it was working out for your son with down syndrome. I have a daughter I was thinking of using it with and wondering if you could share any extra input with me about how it worked for you or how it is still working. Thanks - Christi

    Sorry for the totally off topic comment I couldn't find any other way to contact you.

  2. I hope you get, or already got, your taxes done. My hubby does ours and I am glad he is the one to handle them. I hope you got all your goals accomplished, or soon will. Have a great weekend. God Bless.

  3. They are about half way done...which is progress. I hope to finish them over the weekend. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Christi,

    If you are reading this send me an email @ karendg8 @ gmail dot com and I will answer your question.

