Sunday, January 20, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal


In my life this week…

This week had half of my family sick with a stomach bug.  Not my idea of a good time.  However, I am finally over my pneumonia.  I even went for a run yesterday for the first time in weeks...more like 2 months actually.

In our homeschool this week…

Some fun things going on...but still having some trouble getting into the swing of things.  I think now that I am on the mend things should go better.  I am still tired but at least I can read a paragraph without coughing!

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Making an edible cell model
My favorite thing this week was…

Celebrating Emma's 10th birthday.  Rob and I took her out for Chinese food.  It's not often that we get a chance to spend one on one time with the kids.  I think we are going to start doing that for each of their birthdays from now on.  (They can pick the restaurant.)

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Emma got Just Dance Kids 2 for the Wii
Things I’m working on…

I am trying to finish up a couple of projects.  One is a baby sweater that I am almost finished crocheting and the other is a scarf that I started making in the fall to wear on our trip to NYC in December.  I didn't finish it (I was sick for one thing) and then it ended up being warm anyway.)  So now I'm just trying to get it done because it's so big it takes up half of my project bag.

I’m cooking…

I've been enjoying lots of fruits and vegetables lately.  I made a creamy mushroom arugula side dish this week that I plan to share the recipe for later this week...and my new favorite snack is Kale chips.  YUM!

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Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

A sharp crochet hook for crocheting borders

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and a perforating rotary blade that makes holes in fleece for edging blankets.

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A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

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Connor working on  a mosaic
Link up your own Homeschoool Mother's Journal post.

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