Monday, January 28, 2013

100 Bible Verses in 2013 Week 5

This is week 5 of learning 100 Bible Verses in 2013 using Robert Morgan's book 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart which I am doing along with a Facebook group started by Shanna at Learning at His Feet.

100 Bible Verses in 2013

II can't believe we're up to week 5 already.  By the end of this week I'll have the first 10 verses hidden in my heart!  I love this book and this challenge! This week I am learning the last of 5 verses in the Romans Road.

 photo Romans1010_zpsb67f06d0.jpg

The next verse begins a series of verses on Listening: The Word of God and Prayer. We begin with 2 Timothy 3:16.

 photo 2timothy3-16_zpscbce67d0.jpg

Scripture Memory resources:

What I find most helpful doesn't cost a cent though. Repeating the verse out loud 5 times a day and writing them out.  Frequent review is helpful as well. 

Shanna linked to a post on A Holy Experience blog with some scripture memory helps.  I am not a fan of the author's writing style (no tomatoes please),but she does offer some good resources so I recommend checking it out.

Linking up with Ben and Me.

photos courtesy of Laura Shrek at

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of the Well Versed Bible Memory Assistant. I just checked it out but unfortunately they want 4.99 for the ESV translation. There is no way I can memorize the King James version at this point in my life. my daughter uses the Remember Me Bible Verse app. I am hoping to find one that works for my needs soon. Thank you for the suggestion. I really appreciate it. I bookmarked it for the future when I am ready to attempt a new translation. We are currently using the Scripture Memory System Box from Simply Charlotte Mason. Oh and thank you for the link to Bible songs for children. i will definitely have to check that website out! Have a blessed week!
