Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stick with it Saturday

Well I have nothing to report on the fitness front.  I have been sick for 2 weeks and I've done absolutely NOTHING.  I just couldn't. I'm starting to feel better so I hope to start running again sometime in the near future.

I have been having a few good weeks at the scale.  I have lost a total of 92 lbs now!  I'm hoping to really stay on track every day with a few treats tomorrow when I get together with my BFF for Christmas and then again on Christmas Day.  Outside of that, I plan to stick with my program.  I am .2  lbs from the end of the year goal I set for myself a few weeks ago!

Link up your own diet/exercise post over at Sam's Noggin.


  1. Wow! GREAT job on the weight loss! I'm your newest follower and fellow Crew member. A blessed Advent to you and yours.
