Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Professor B Math

I first heard of Professor B math several years ago but didn't really know too much about it.  I was happy to have the chance to review this for the Schoolhouse Review Team. Professor B claims a student can learn 3 years of math in one year.  I think this would be a great way to catch a student up that might be behind where they "should" be.  We tested Level 1 of Professor B.


Professor B Math is an online math program available in 3 levels.  The lessons have no audio and are "taught" by Professor B (shown below).  The parent must read the lessons to the child.  It requires no prep time whatsoever but you do have to do the entire lesson with the child. There is no busy work involved though the lessons have a lot of repetition.  A pdf workbook is also provided but not every lesson has pages to work.


Professor B has three levels and covers the following topics:

Pre-K though 2nd grade and remediation of older learners.
Introduction to Addition/Subtraction Facts 
Counting to One Hundred 
Lower Addition and Subtraction 
Higher Addition and Subtraction 
Place Value Fractional Parts & Order 

3rd grade through 5th grade and remediation of older learners.
Multiplication/Division Facts and Problem Solving 
Introduction to Fractions 
Fractional Equivalence 
Addition and Subtraction Fractions

6th through 8th grades and remediation of older learners.
Multiplication/Division of Fractions

There is a free placement test on the Shop Our Products section of the website. You will also find sample lessons there. Professor B runs on java and is presented in a power-point style.

Once you log in to the e-learning section of the website you come to this screen where you can access the lessons and the workbook, It also gives instructions for how to use the program.


The first lessons use combinations of fingers to teach how many.  Later objects are also used for counting.

I love the way Professor B teaches place value.  It really makes sense.


Here are two partial worksheet samples from Level 1.

A worksheet to be done orally

A sample written worksheet

A printable certificate is available for each level

What We Like:
I like the way Professor B teaches math.  Descriptions are thorough and often different from other math programs.
There is no teacher prep involved.
No busy work.

What We Don't Like:
The pages are slow loading (see the sample lessons for an idea of what I mean). I don't like waiting.
The lessons can be too long causing the child to lose interest.
I have to read as if I am the bee and it doesn't feel natural to me. (There is no audio at all in Professor B. Read why here.)
The font is small.
There are times when you can clearly tell that this is designed for a classroom.
It doesn't keep track of which lessons you used so you need to come up with a way to remember where you are (more difficult when using with more than one student.)
The website can be confusing especially when first starting out.


Will We Continue to Use this?

Ellie (4) absolutely loves Professor B and I think it has been very helpful for Connor (11 with Down syndrome) so yes, despite the lengthy list of things I don't care for, the benefits outweigh my personal dislike for some parts of Professor B.

Pricing is as follows:
1 level $20 a month
2 levels $35 a month
3 levels $45 a month

If you purchase by the month it will be set up with automatic renewal and be charged to your credit card until you cancel. You can also purchase one year for $220 per level and receive a free mug and t-shirt. You can call to get a free 30 day trial. 678-765-6655


Visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog to see what other crew members think of Professor B. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section and I will answer if I can.


 Professor B also sells a textbook version of arithmetic and algebra, t-shirts and mugs.


disclaimer:  I received a one year subscription to Professor B (all 3 levels) in exchange for an honest review.

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