Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stick with it Saturday

I haven't been regularly keeping up with posts of my weight loss journey.  Sam at Sam's Noggin does a Stick with it Saturday and said I should join her.  So, here I am.

I started losing weight in October 2010.  I really thought I'd be at my goal weight by now but I think slow and steady is good.  As of this morning, I have lost 66.6 lbs.  You can read about how I was losing weight in my post How I Lost 50 lbs.  Since September the weight was just coming off SO slowly.  I did not feel like exercising and I was eating about the same way but was a little less strict with myself.  At the end of February, people in my family started to get sick...influenza and pneumonia for several.  My husband was even in the hospital for 4 days.  While he was in the hospital I found out I was pregnant then a few weeks later I had a miscarriage.  A week later it was my birthday...... Lots of distractions from dieting.  I was still sticking to the plan but just not all that motivated.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to get serious again and started exercising and really watching what I was eating and gained a pound.  Talk about discouraging!

Last week (or so??) my friend Amanda who was my original motivator for trying the Flat Belly Diet decided to switch to Weight Watchers.  I was drawn to the idea of WW because you don't have to count fruits and vegetables and I just felt that I needed to try something new to get myself jump started again.  I signed up Thursday and went for my first meeting. I bought the monthly pass so I can go to unlimited meetings and use the online tools. It was fun and I'm excited to be trying something new. (and down 2 lbs already)

I like to use Leslie Sansone walking DVD's.  I think I did 21 miles this week.  I'd like to get back to bike riding which I have not done in well over 20 years.  I used to be an avid bike rider in my youth.

Hopefully I'll be keeping up with these posts each week.  Thanks Sam for hosting it! Link up your own diet/exercise post over at Sam's Noggin.


  1. Cool! I like the idea of getting back to a weekly post. :)

  2. Fabulous job!! I'm glad you found something that got you motivated again! I lost 2.2 pounds in the two days I have been strict about calories. Looks like 5 pounds for May won't be hard. :)

    Thanks for joining me!

  3. Thanks for visiting my Stick With It Saturday Post! I have done WW before. It is a great program!
