Thursday, April 19, 2012

Free Creation Notebooking Pages

I am going to be reviewing a Bible curriculum soon and needed some notebooking pages.  I couldn't find what I wanted online so I made these up for our use and thought others might want to use them too.  This is what they look like:

In the real file there is no dark line on the bottom of this.

I just added these to Google documents.  Use this link to download them. They are free for your personal use.  If you have trouble with the link you can send me an e-mail and I will forward these to you in pdf format.


  1. Karen,you did an awesome job creating pages for Creation... I'm working on a set for my boys (they had a couple requests...) otherwise I would get your set... Have you tried saving them to google docs? Then you can link to them on the blog.

  2. Thanks Cariann. I was looking at that a while ago but I need to spend some time figuring it out. I know you only get so much space too so I have to check on that.

  3. These look great! Have you looked at Homeschool Launch? Similar to Scribd only specifically for homeschoolers. Easy and free!

    Off to send you an e-mail for these pages. :)

  4. Thanks for the tip Hillary. I hadn't heard about Homeschool Launch.
