Thursday, February 2, 2012

Celestial Almanack

The Celestial Almanack is a monthly illustrated guide to learning the night sky from Fourth Day Press.  Each month you can download your guide and begin learning astronomy instantly.


In the February 2012 issue learn:

* The Sun is moving higher in the noon sky, and rises and sets farther to the north, and how this relates to the days growing longer;

* The constellation Orion dominates the evening skies. Find Orion and his neighboring constellations, and how Orion can be used as a starting point for finding 35 constellations!

* Wow! Jupiter and Venus are drawing closer this month, approaching a spectacular conjunction in March! What an amazing sight!

* Mars and Saturn are visible earlier in the night, and are well placed before midnight;

* Discover these planets and also many bright stars on the evenings when they line up with the Moon

a snippet of a page discussing the analemma

I am so excited about this Celestial Almanack. I have never been able to figure out constellations (I can find the big dipper and that's about it.)  I am really looking forward to using the information to actually learn some constellations and I'm pretty excited about some of the "sky events" that are going to happen this year that I didn't know about before reading this.  It's written from a Christian point of view which I love too.

Over the next six months, the Celestial Almanack will be promoting three very rare sky events for 2012:

1) the Jupiter-Venus conjunction on March 15 (once every 24 years);
2) the annular solar eclipse on May 20 (once every 18 years); and
3) the transit of Venus on June 5 (last one til 2117!). 

The Celestial Almanack is a 19 page color printable (pdf) periodical.  You will find a calendar of moon phases and remarkable days for each day in the month,  a page about how February came to be 28 days and all about leap year, illustrations of what the sky will look like during February so you know what to look for when you go outside, descriptions of the constellations that are currently visible and more! 

The authors passion for astronomy shines through and I've caught the enthusiasm.  I hope you'll check it out.  It's very affordable too!  Let me know if you decide to order and what you think.  I am planning to read the Celestial Almanack each month so we can follow these events and learn the science behind it. I highly recommend you buy this TODAY so you don't miss anything that is happening in the skies this month! (No telescope or anything is necessary.) You can view free sample pages by clicking on the preview links under the picture of the cover here.


You can order the Celestial Almanack, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 2012 at CurrClick for just $3.  Other products from Fourth Day Press include Moonfinder, a family storybook that teaches the phases of the moon and Signs and Seasons, a Bible based homeschool curriculum for ages 13 and up and much more!

See what others are saying about the Celestial Almanack on the TOS crew blog.


disclaimer:  I received a free copy of the February 2012 Celestial Almanack in exchange for an honest review.

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