Monday, October 31, 2011

Crocheted Trivet

When I started this blog I originally planned to use it to share projects I was working on but over time it has mainly turned into a homeschool blog because I haven't been doing any projects.  Recently I have become addicted to Pinterest.  I have been pinning lots of things to do and finally decided to make something.  I am not that happy with this project but I am going to share it anyway.

I found this trivet.  In the original directions, it says to crochet over the plastic rings that hold soda cans together.  They really are not round and the first one I made didn't look very good as you can see here:

I spent some time trying to figure out what I could use instead that would be perfectly round and wouldn't cost anything. I finally decided to cut circles from a milk jug.

I made a pattern from the soda ring on cardboard.

I traced them onto the milk jug and cut them out.

One finished ring with the pattern.
See the difference?  The one of the left is with the milk jug circle and
 the one on the right is the soda ring.

My finished trivet.

I'm not sure exactly what I don't like about this.  I think that maybe the circles were a little bit too big.  It is fine for me to use but it isn't nice enough for a gift.  Maybe I would like it better with different colors?  Or if I added a fancy edge?  

The milk jug rings make nice little frisbees. :)

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool - I like the creativity with the milk jug. Fun shape for a trivet too!

