Sunday, September 25, 2011

Slim Down Sunday

Goal: Continue losing weight at a steady pace. (My goal is to have lost 75 lbs total by the end of the year.)

Pounds Lost: 50.2 lbs (2.4 lbs lost this week)

How is it going this week?  This was a great week.  I finally lost over 50 lbs which was a major goal and really motivated me to keep going.  I wanted to exercise at least 3 times this week and ended up exercising 5 times.  I ended up doing a total of 15 miles with Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. I also blogged about How I Lost 50 Lbs.

My Plan for the Week Ahead: Just keep doing what I've been doing and exercise at least 3 days this week.

If you would like some encouragement or to encourage others in their weight loss join us at Heartfelt Homeschooling for Slim Down Sunday.  You can link up here


  1. Karen, Hurray for you! Lost over 50 pounds and plenty of exercise - that's wonderful! Big pat on the back!


  2. Congrats on the weight loss! Awesome! I am also on a plan to lose. I'm down 30lbs since the end of March. I've slowed down a bit lately, blame it on stress...hoping to get back on track this week. Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying your blog! :)
