Monday, August 5, 2013

Curriculum Plans 2013-2014

Choosing curriculum would be great fun with an unlimited budget.  Wouldn't you agree?  I have spent weeks narrowing down my choices trying to use what I have available (so as not to break the bank!) and still try to make my life be manageable.  I am going to try to be more scheduled this year and want to start each day with Circle Time activities.  (Will be posting a review on this this e-book.)

This is the plan:

Katie-11th/12th grade-
Katie is planning to graduate a year early and has been working toward this.  This is the reason she has more than one English course

Bible-Notgrass World History
History-Notgrass World History
English-Notgrass World Literature, LLATL British Literature, IEW-SWI and the Elegant Essay
Foreign Language-French (still deciding on this)
Science-Chemistry 101
Math- Geometry PACES
Music- pipe organ lessons/theory

Ryan-8th grade

Bible- New Testament Workbook
Math- Teaching Textbooks(finish last year's book) then No Nonsense Algebra
History-Truth Quest with Map Trek
Geography-Trail Guide to Geography
Language Arts-LLATL gray
Writing-SWI and IEW History
Science-Apologia Physical Science
Penmanship- still looking
Computers- Homeschool Programming

Emma-5th Grade

Bible-God's Great Covenant
Math- Saxon Math 65
Science-Apologia Human anatomy
History-Truth Quest with Map Trek
Geography-Trail Guide to American Geography
Writing-IEW SWI and American History
Language Arts-Learning Language Arts through Literature-purple
Cursive- still looking
Computers-Homeschool Programming
Music- piano lessons/theory/composer study

Connor-6th Grade 
(Connor is in the 6th grade but has Down syndrome and doesn't do typical 6th grade work.)

Language Arts- IEW Primary Arts of Language
Math-Touch Math
History/Geography- Modified Truth Quest
Science-Modified Apologia (and Circle Time stuff)
Penmanship-HWOT and PAL

Jenna-2nd grade

Bible-ABC Bible Verses, club verses, Your Story Hour
Math- 1st/2nd Grade Math workbook
Science- Apologia Human Anatomy and Physiology with Junior Notebooking Journal
History/Geography-American People & Nation workbook, Geography games and activities, Truth Quest read alouds
Language Arts- First Start Reading workbooks, All About Spelling, Cursive First and HWOT, PAL, SWI writing
Health/PE- daily exercise and Healthy Me

We'll likely include some unit studies from Five in a Row, Homeschool Share, and Download N Go.


Christian K workbook(covers all subjects)
Circle Time activities
Unit studies


Circle Time
Five in a Row, Before Five in a Row, Homeschool Share

** Health and PE will also be something that each child will have this year.

Linked up at Our Homeschool Reviews and iHomeschool network's Not Back to School blog hop


  1. We have very similar 11th Grade schedules. YAY! Here's to praying we all have a great year!

  2. It looks like you are all set. Have a great year.
    Blessings, Dawn

  3. Sounds like a great year in store for you all. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy NOT Back to School! You are an inspiration!

    Woot, woot to your Katie! That's such a great goal.

    Thanks for sharing--I always like to see how larger families make it work.

  5. Looks like a wonderful year ahead for your homeschool. How exciting for your daughter Katie! Enjoy your school year.
